thebouch's Profile

thebouch's Posts

Re: ZEN - 230K for sale

Seems someone large exiting his/her position yesterday & today. That kind of position noticable and may be GIL or our favourite feline. I have contacted Mara to see if this seller could be taken out intact by a possible 'friendly' like Lariplast...we wait to see.

almost 8 years ago
Re: The Dump Continues

Have you talked to AE this month? Then stfu.and sell to me

about 8 years ago
The Dr's Bonus

Speculation only !!

Dr. Bharat Chahar Joins Zen and sign's on for a number of options that are presently well out of the money. He then see's that his work is positive and the future will most certainly end with a ZEN share price very rewarding. He then buys a number of shares on the US open market over the next couple of months, only to now see those under water as well. He then goes to AE to see if he could be allowed some further compensation for his work over the past year or so and Aubrey being the fugal CEO that he is, tells Bharet " look, we will tie a $20,000 US stock option triggered to a successfull completion of the PEA and call it an Annual Bonus" - All is well , and I will go out on a limb here and suggest that the PEA will be released next week Tuesday - Thursday. We will see....Speculation only, as I said.

over 9 years ago
Re: Email from Zenyatta

After speaking with Sandra yesterday at ZEN, she has confirmed to me that the Chief is full of crap. His theory that zen needs to do more drilling to repeat the samples sent out earlier is just a bad "guess" I asked her point blank if Zen would be going back to the graphite site to continue drilling for more material to carry on with the optimization flowsheet. She said "No... There is no need for any more graphite at this time." The Chief had come to the conclusion that Zen would be drilling in the spring before a PEA could be released...obviously if the drills are on site to drill the 4E target, it would be practical to keep on drilling if more material is required. Hang tight people, you have come too far to get swept aside by the wave of noise out there.

over 9 years ago
Re: Dr Chahar continues to buy ZEN

Bought another 2000 ZEN on the US market Oct 16 - another positive sign IMho

almost 10 years ago
Dr Chahar continues to buy ZEN

Bought another 2000 on US market Oct 16 - another positive IMHO

almost 10 years ago
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