tentski's Profile

tentski's Posts

New Company

I got to go now because I got to check out this new chromite deposit in our new company because "I trust Dave". Chromite deposit in muskeg in northern Ontario Boy I had better trust Dave.

over 9 years ago
I trust Dave

Yeah a little short of details hear and there but I trust Dave. Who needs regulations? Where is the "I trust Dave " fan club?

over 9 years ago
We trust Dave too

Let us agree on what the discussion is about .It is not about trusting Dave or anyone else . It is about the analyst who upgraded his comments EXCEPT for the .50 cent price target. ITrade traded over 315- 100 share trades out of a total of 350 trades they did yesterday. These probably are High Frequency Trades using computer algorithmic trading. If his comments were upgraded except for his target price what is his objective for trading this stock in this way?

The normal way for a company to complete negotiations is to simply put a halt on the stock until the news is released . This gives a equal playing field for everyone Why did this company not do this?

Giant Mines Yellowknife !! In those days you would have to ship the news out by dog team or York boat. Most of the news got out in the old Stope beer parlour in the Yellowknife Hotel which was open 24 hours a day.

almost 10 years ago
The 100 share traders

Nine analysts recommend this stock. One suggests it is going to go to 50 cents. He represents the trading arm of one of the five major banks in Canada. The stock traded huge volumes yesterday (808000) and had only a minimal move. Does he know something we don't???

I recently held a uranium stock that got a huge underwriting at $1.60 and despite regular announcements of high grade UR drill holes the stock is now below a $1.00.The HFT stepped in with their algorithms and worked the stock down. No explanation from the regulators, the company or anyone else. The last two days is not a good sign for Probes trading pattern .The PR department must be off to Florida for the winter.

Finally; with the recent announcement of the land settlement (good news) there was trading on the news for at least a week prior to it becoming public. In the old days public companies simply halted trading pending a further announcement. I say again where are the regulators? Wake them up before we all loss our shirts.Are we the ones that are going to be mined?

almost 10 years ago
Re: Silence indicates character

How do you know there will not be a news release until the land negotiations are over? Call the company !!! I would like to have access to your information source. How about sharing it with the rest of the shareholders who are left in the dark.

I am very capable of playing the market and evaluating the known geology and other news. I have already put my shares aside until there is a take over by a senior group . I am merely speaking to the ethics of running a public company.

Have a good week in the markets.

almost 10 years ago
Re: Silence indicates character

Where is the securities commission to have allowed this to go on ? Is this a private company?

almost 10 years ago
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