tdatda0904's Profile

tdatda0904's Posts

Re: LSE post

Thanks Java40. I greatly appreciate you updating me.

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

"tedium" shooting ducks in a barrel.

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...Enough of you already.....

lol....personal opinion (positive,negative,indifferent) as well as information and fact, are a few of the many reasons investors follow a forum such as this one rich52states. I value ALL opinion, and believe that those of us buried deep financially in Falcon for many years, have all found ways to cope with the roller coaster ride.

Not that it matters, but I am a substantial holder of Falcon stock, and have spent the last 8 years traveling the globe at times to meet with Falcon leadership personally. Falcon has a long history of promise and not delivering, but I also believe no risk no reward. To sell at this point in the game would be asinine to say the least. To remain naive, and not question Falcon leadership on not delivering, is also asinine.That is what investors do....hold company leadership accountable. like to use the word "perennial" (2 n's not 1). Your last reply post in May shows you are sensitive to negative posts, and feel comfortable using this word. Perennial is defined as perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent. Your use of the adjective is incorrect as it relates to me. I do not have a history of using this site to continually vent negative opinion. If you look back at prior posts, I am the opposite.

The point of my original post "enough" was simple, and yes I agree sarcastic. I believe we need to stop posting fluff, charts and graphs, believing in backroom boy conspiracy theory, and look seriously at Falcon managements promise to deliver on drilling in Australia. Do they have a rig in place to drill? Have they drilled? We are past the rainy season excuse, and I can't find any member of leadership that is willing to answer this simple question. Please do not be offended by my words rich52states....we have the same end result in mind. Again....that is the purpose of posting on this forum.

till the end......

about 9 years ago
Re: enough...

The story of 2009 became 2010 became 2011 became 2012 became 2013 became 2014 became 2015 to become 2016 to become 2017 to become ?.....yes, patience is required in this never ending story. The authors have changed, but the moral of the story the same.

about 9 years ago

Enough of the interviews, press releases, broker recommendations, ect. Do we have a rig in place or not? We have nothing to sell...nothing of value to promise a potential buyer...nothing to attract institutional investors...we have nothing for nothing for nothing. Drill!...............................until we actually do that, we are just the same old wanna be. Quit putting makeup on the pig, and actually slaughter the animal. We need pork.


about 9 years ago
Re: What happens today with Falcon?

Just my personal opinion....but why constantly try and determine motive or backroom trickery? After wells are drilled, we will all find out if the "tonic" we were sold works or not. At that time we all win, lose, or call it a draw depending on your personal position. If motive is to buy at 10 cents and sell at 15, have at it because quick profit is your game. Most of us are in very deep, and see the potential for dollars per share if all proves true. If not, understand that this is a game of incredible risk....move on.

You believe....or you don't.

Again, just my opinion. I wish us all involved great prosperity. Until product flows we just have to wait it out.

over 9 years ago
Port St Lucie, Florida
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