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Re: To BertaCurry (life history) Miner (a-1)

How about an OT post for all to enjoy?

If the makers of Dos Equis hear your story, then they might give their current actor the boot and have a new real "World's Most Interesting Man"


about 14 years ago
Re: last trade FWR was 5.5 mil.eom - Cliff's Buying ???

is there anything stopping Cliff's from buying shares on the open market?

the more shares they buy today, the less that can be tendered to NOT

almost 15 years ago
Re: Clarification of Noront Resources intersects >>> Inserted Paragraph

I think that the change is the insertion of this paragraph:

engineering firms to bid on updating the Eagle's Nest resource estimate and plan to award this work by January, 2010."


start of new paragraph (after the fourth paragraph)


As required by NI 43-101, the reader is cautioned that:

-the potential quantity and grade noted in the paragraph above is

conceptual in nature

-there has been, as of this date, insufficient exploration to define a

mineral resource, hence it's disclosure as mineralized material

-it is uncertain, at this time, if further exploration will result in

discovery of a mineral resource.


end of new


The following table summarizes the results of the five holes disclosed


almost 15 years ago
Maybe the third party pushed FWR to voice its suprise

Since FWR has agreed to deal exclusively with a third party, maybe the third party did not like the implication that FWR had entered into any agreement with NOT, and was not dealing exclusively with the third party.

I agree with Hoov that it is total semantics, and posturing.



In reply to:

I agree Newbers,

The text of the FWR news releases seems inconsistent. I understood from the original that they did indeed come to an agreement with Noront. That one was quickly followed by a release from Noront confirming that they agreed with the original release of FWR.

Which is it? Apparently something is not going well or FWR would not be releasing this sudden news which gives the appearance of panic... or something.

In any case, I don't know what to make of it other than the following:

If we are getting conflicting messages, we can no longer speculate (with any accuracy at all) on what is happening. There is nothing left for us but to wait and see what actually happens next.

Very odd behaviour indeed.

almost 15 years ago
If NOT has an Ace (or more), then where is the logic in slow playing?

It would be nice to believe that NOT has an Ace or more in its hand, and that NOT is waiting for the exact opportune moment to show its hand and win.

But I find it hard to believe that NOT is sitting on any significant drill results that it has not released.

CEOs might say they never look at the daily share price, and they have the long view in mind. But it puts more of a bounce in your step when your SP is flying. (It certainly did for me when NOT bounced from 60 cents to $3)

If Wes had control over the SP (which he doesn't), then he would keep it as high as possible. Over $2 to make the 4 FWR for 1 NOT offer look good. Over $2.80 to keep the last PP investors happy.

A regular series of positive News keep the price up. A absence of news makes the share price falls due to its own weight.

There is too much at stake not to be selling all of the reasons why NOT is the real deal on a daily basis.

NOT should play its Aces as often as it can, and not wait til tomorrow.



In reply to:



I believe that NOT is holding info until the 3rd party makes itself and its offer known-if a serious offer does materialize, still have not seen it of course. Once this is out in the open, then I believe NOT will put more cards on the table. Until then our SP will flounder but this will have no effect long term or even on this merger as all cards will be on the table and I do not believe our SP will not be this low when it comes to crunch time on the merger.


almost 15 years ago
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