taxxman22's Profile

taxxman22's Posts

Re: EDIG Board Views

I have no issue posting my approximate shares for accumulating a tally.

1.3 million long proud strong and increasing. By my calculations, at most 225 people can own as much and that's with them all owning 1 more share than me.

Owned by my friends and any others that have bought from my recommendations:

about 800k

I'm gonna guesstimate that the board holds quite a bit more than the 75 million share number thown around.

almost 8 years ago
New Lawsuits Filed!!!

Netatmo LLC

Y-Cam Solutions LLC

Netgear, dba Arlo

about 8 years ago
Re: Pacer: e.Digital Corporation v. Dropcam order of dismissal

I don't post often but saw this just before.....

Google will launch a smartphone of its own in what could be a fresh attack against Apple, according to a newspaper report.

The Google-branded phone, slated for release by the end of this year, “would tighten [Google’s] grip on mobile software and see it compete directly with the iPhone,” according to The Telegraph, a British paper, which cited unnamed sources.

Google’s Android operating system powers four out of five smartphones worldwide, which are produced by third parties like Samsung.

Google also has partnered closely with manufacturers including LG, HTC and Huawei to produce the line of Nexus-branded phones.

Still, Apple’s iPhones account for more than half of the lucrative high-end smartphone market globally.

“The proliferation of Android device makers, many of which apply the software differently, means Google has struggled to ensure consistency,” the report noted.

Google — which historically has focused on developing free software as a platform for selling ads — in April hired Rick Osterloh, the former president of Motorola, to lead a new hardware division focused on smartphone development.

Still, the Telegraph’s report drew some skeptics, who cited recent comments from Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai that seemed to indicate Google is doubling down on its Nexus partnerships.

Last month, Pichai said the search giant will be “investing more effort” into Nexus phones, and that it will become “more opinionated” about their design.

about 8 years ago
Re: to show ps

My 2 cents..

An acquiring company would most likey have use, however they would only be able to use a portion of the NOL each year (long conversation regarding Section 382 limitations). Then there are issues in relation to SRLY (losses incurred after acquisition) and Non SRLY.

Also, when utilizing an NOL for income tax purposes, only 90% of the income can be used to offset AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) income. Again to save time, if a corporation has approximately 400,000 of taxable income, they will pay federal tax that year (A coproration has a 40,000 exemption to offset AMT (400,000 x 90%= 360,000 then exemption 40,000-40,000). Although, I believe we have a AMT Foreign Tax Credit Carryover which can offset AMT above those amounts.

In sum, the NOL means a bit more to us than to an acquiring company.

Since we have to pay a big premium to DM if sold, probably not worth adding this to the list under an if acquired assumption.

almost 13 years ago
Re: How many shares do you have ???

6 figures, some since 1999.

almost 14 years ago
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