syl3993's Profile

syl3993's Posts

Re: I'm out!!!


Those were the days back 5yrs ago when I would come home to see Connacher again on the most active list, or the biggest gainer for the day. Those were good times but they didn't last. What we went through with this stock is classic bliss of watching it go up in share price then watching it go down thinking it will come back only to wake up 3yrs later to see it at $.60 (12/19/08) I don't know about anyone else here but I had no $$$ to buy shares at $.60 only because of the huge margin call I had suffered earlier that year. So I held on but every news report as good as they were would do nothing to the share price. That to me spells manipulation in some form or that the markets just don't care about this little company that has a future of dept and hard times trying to stay afloat ahead of them.

I think it was Jurek the other day that mentioned how without expansion the market will continue to punish or ignore this company. He's right, and what are their options, partner, go to the market or get financing to expand. All of which is bad news in the short term for the share holder. I think the only hope Connacher has that may be favorable to the market is to take on a partner. But again, I have watched this company dish out news report after news report all ignored by the market. It's too bad really because Connacher really has done an amazing job getting these pods in place and producing but I guess the market was hoping they could produce without going into dept as much as they did....Maybe they could have, I'm no expert...


Thank you for you words and fair enough, I trust your motives are honest as were mine. I as well wish you good luck not losing money with Connacher. If you hold on long enough you should be ok...Believe me when I say that I will be continuing to watch Connacher's progress and maybe one day I'll buy back....

almost 14 years ago
I'm out!!!

Well folks today is the day, I sold every last stinkin share of this pos stock...5 yrs I've held on wondering why, why, and then why again and again. This company is no longer following the business plan I thought it had set out to achieve. Which was to use revenues to further expand their growth. Instead they have screwed us over and over again by diluting the crap out of this stock and lining there pockets with millions and millions of shares...There is no dought in my mind they will go to the market again for what ever reason and the market will continue to punish it...Maybe someday someone with deap pockets might put an offer to buy this company but that's getting unrealistic with 500,000,000shrs outstanding and a kafreaking billion dollars in dept...This is a sinking ship and I'm bailing...sorry to those who still believe, I don't mean to dump my frustrations on you but enough is enough...

Look at the poor saps that held on to uts for so long. What happened to them? A 10 for 1 split I believe and then a crappy offer of $3.60 or so....Can someone see a 10 for 1 split in Connacher's future? I can...

The way I see it is the big boys never wanted to see Connacher succeed in their big boy world and they (they being the ones who own these shares or the big oil companies) were going to manipulate this stock to keep it supressed so it doesn't run away on them once they want to move in and buy it...

P.S. Oh and Brian I just want to say that you were right all along...I was just frustrated with this company and you weren't making it better by being so negative. I was just hoping you were wrong...My only question to you though is still, why do you still hang around if you dislike the company and it's management so much? Is it possible you may be working with the big boys in trying to supress this thing? Doesn't matter anyway, I've seen enough....Good luck to all....5 freaking tears....

almost 14 years ago
Re: $22 Million Flow-Through Share

Hi and thanks...Yes I am still hanging in there not sure why though...This company has done nothing in terms of shareholder growth. I realize it's a growing company and with it come growing pains but it's hard to comprehend how this company can still be trading so low....Comanies dept is my guess but how else can a company grow? At this point I think of it as a long term investment... I still believe Connacher will one day pay a monthly dividend but who knows...

No he no longer works in the oil fields but still resides in the area....He works for the city of Medicen Hat and loves it...


almost 14 years ago
Re: Lower target price

I think it's important to remember that Connacher didn't start with Pod 1 for it's ability to produce but it's location. Connacher clearly stipulated back then that it had hopes for better numbers at future pods down the road but they desided to start with that location for exactly that, location location location...Algar is already proving there point that it would be a better producer but The great divide was to be a learning stage...Does anyone here dought that Algar will reach 10,000 bpd and more....I don't

almost 14 years ago
Re: Outlook not so good

I completely agree with you BJ. Brian you may want to look at your last post, it's boardering on the positive side. It's a first for you. What's going on......

about 14 years ago
New web site

Really like the new web site for Connacher. Very well put together and very informative, especially the "Understanding Connacher" video.

Cheers to all and here's to a prosperous 2010 for Connacher and all it's share holders...

almost 15 years ago
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