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Re: Anonymous: Operation Awake the Masses

Well said Rick. I am seeing more and more people waking up as corruption in the markets and life in general seems to be rearing its ugly head at a faster pace than ever before in history. St Elias is just the tip of the ice berg as far as corrupt markets are concerned. Investors need to realize that a study was done in 2011 that showed all major corporations were linked to 147 core corporations, who were in turn owned by a handful of families. Forbes magazine, a corporate magazine, could not disagree with the findings as it was fact, but put a spin on it that implied the public owned the lions share of the stock, so therefore they ran them through there votes. We have all seen how our votes are able to steer the good ship St. Elias. Not so much.

Those corporations in question, who in reality are all governed by a single entity,the lowest rung on that ladder being the Bilderberg group, have bought all political, judicial, and military clout, and now brain wash us through the main stream media lies. A video that is a little long , but a real eye opener as to the corruption we are facing is called"JFK to 911: Everything is a rich mans trick". Awesome documentary.Sorry I could not get it to copy and paste. It is from you tube. Even the nay sayers will not be debunking this documentary.

Thanx for listening

over 9 years ago
Re: Who owns Stephen Harper?

To find out who owns Stephen Harper and is in control of the world we now live in,cheking out this video may give you some answers. http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie

over 9 years ago
Re: Public Awareness

Awesome job in keeping this run away train on the tracks Sculpin. If not for people like you, this play would be long done. I see where getting the news of the corruption in the markets out in public eye is of the outmost importance. Waking people up to the situation can for the most part be done by major media outlet airing the story. A group called ICIJ is a media consortium of journalists across the world who have been investigating illegal offshore bank accounts, as well as any other elite corruption they can get there hands on. On the bottom of there home page on there web site is a request for any stories that need to be investigated. Being that I am no where as knowledgeable about the situation as many of my fellow investors on this whole case, submitting myself as a spokesperson to this case would most definately do an injustice for our case and cause. Here is the url for the site. Thank you once again Sculpin.


Swede 66

about 11 years ago
Re: Allegations

I realize that this should be on the off topic forum, however I feel it is too important to be not shared with fellow investors, and the rest of humanity for that matter. It seems the banks have received another windfall in that they are no longer accountable for our money if they lose it making their ooohh so wonderful deals.http://www.infowars.com/warning-get-your-money-out-all-legal-bank-deposit-protections-are-now-officially-gone/

And when the crap hits the fan, that is people who have had their money LEGALLY stolen by the banks become upset and wish to vent their anger,do you think that the Department of Homeland Secuities purchase of 1.2 billion rounds of ammunition may be for something other than target practice. Kind of makes one scratch their head even if your not a conspiracy theorist doesn't it?http://www.hangthebankers.com/dhs-to-purchase-another-750-million-rounds-of-ammo/


about 12 years ago
Re: Allegations

I guess I must be "flakey" as I am a conspiracy theorist. Once again the big banks are not going to be held accountable for their attempts to rid all of us of our hard earned money. The proof is in the pudding,and there is tons of info. out there for anyone who is truly interested. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/14/why-goldman-sachs-other-wall-street-titans-are-not-being-prosecuted.html

about 12 years ago
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