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A Great Read

While we all hurry up an wait, some great stuff happening behind the scenes.





over 7 years ago
Special Meeting

So checking out the website this morning, I noticed that the filings for the June special meeting were posted there. There were no other places that had the information or no formal releases that I was notified on Google.....just lucky that I checked I suppose.

Some curious things to wonder about I suppose.

Any comments?

Anyone planning on attending from the Calgary area?

It would be nice to see one or two of the "13,000" in attendance, just in case Soly is right and the the NPV comes to fruiation by Origin the day before.



over 8 years ago
Granting of options

Now maybe we can get on with shareholder value. with this task being completed, a positive process to share price and the supply of data a bit more frequent.

A hefty price was paid to get to this point through, creating a 1/3 of market value and a articficial environment, but at least its over with.

Press on to greater achievements in the future team!


over 8 years ago

Tomorrow morning is fast approaching. The stock has been held at a fixed value for quite a while. Is there anyone intending on going as a fly on the wall for the rest of us?


almost 9 years ago

So how does it happen that after going through two successive years of selling "to cover salaries and costs", fron a starting point of 97,860,000 on the original transfer back in 2013, selling annually and most recently, the summer speciificly around 8,000,000 shares, bringing pressure on share price of Falcon to its knees at 10 cents Canadian, now currently, according to Thomson Reuters to show a current position of 97,230,000 shares?

The reason I ask is that there have been explanations given that don't follow the math, so I am just trying to wrap my head around it.

I greatly appreciate any wisdom or forsight that can be given to shed light on the hubub of sctivity, with no clear explanation or transparency.

almost 9 years ago
So this news means what?

It seems in Dublin, this news had an impact on the SP, but here not so much.

Thanks to the Backroom Boys for allowing me to purchase additional shares at a reduced rate. My dollar cost averaging is proceeding quite well.

So according to Solly, there are 13,000 loyal shareholders. That being the case, if in the next two days, each one of those loyal shareholders were to place an "At Market" order for 1,000 shares the current price it would be $ 150.00 for each trade. What impact would that have. Most of you have a much higher dollar cost average at the moment. Does the Backroom have that quantity of disposable shares to let go given the nature of the current news?

Just wondering when we have all had enough of the games.



about 9 years ago
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