sunsetstrip's Profile

sunsetstrip's Posts

Re: if this isn't a buying opportunity, I don't know what is

It's a buying opportunity for sure....but is it a stupid move?

about 13 years ago
Re: The tricky thing about a settlement is ...


Our revenues were $1.3 million in fiscal 2011 compared to $2.6 million in fiscal 2010. During fiscal 2010 we licensed one company out of our first round of litigation and three companies from the second November 2009 round. During fiscal 2011 we licensed one company from the second round. As a result of the timing of such license agreements our licensing revenues in fiscal 2011 were $0.2 million compared to $1.6 million in fiscal 2010. eVU product and service revenues were $1,065,000 in fiscal 2011 compared to $954,000 in fiscal 2010.

The above was taken from the top of page 20 in the notes of the 3/31/11 10-K. Only one settlement was announced in the year, TEAC.

about 13 years ago
Re: The tricky thing about a settlement is ...

Probably similar to TEAC. If the Panasonic settlement was substantial, the pps and volume would both be significantly higher.

If me and my fellow edig shareholders are to reap any financial gain from our EDIG holdings, it is of the most importance that the "market" share the same enthusiasm as posters on this board...or even a fraction of the enthusiasm.

about 13 years ago
Re: hello all Coolfool

"Until then a healthy dose of skepticism is recommended."

Kind of like our EDIG investment. WTF...I added 10,000 more shares today.

over 13 years ago
Re: Posting Privileges

Funny thing...she has been right more than wrong...certainly more right than those longs that have held the past 7 years. Being that I have family still heavily invested in edig, I wish both the company and its shareholders the best of luck.

almost 18 years ago
RE: From Oct 15, 2005 deBeer-billwilke

There are plenty of good reasons why the pps is below $.08.

I didn`t sell in early 2000 and have no one to blame but myself. I took my loss 3+ years ago and had subsequently made some back on a trade a few years ago. I wish EDIG the best as I still have family members that have retained their pre 2000 shares. Personally, I see no reason to buy edig. How many times do you have to get kicked in the balls before you say OUCH!! You never know, but WTF....good luck to all edig longs/traders as the shorts/bashers have had all the good luck for the past few years.

over 18 years ago
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