sunlover50's Profile

sunlover50's Posts

Re: Strato-Summary of my first AGM - it's long, but worth it ?

"Frankly I was expecting more people, especially from this forum. And so to all those who didn't attend but seem to have several derogoatory comments, perhaps you should go next year. It's much more informative being there in person....but it is a corporate meeting so bring a pillow........zzzzzzzzzzz."

Good informative post Stato..I listened to most of it online but it was nice to get an in the room for those of us out WEST .....(Yes I complained) me if the share price was higher I would have gladly taken the trip.

If all goes well with the share price next year...maybe the golf tourney and AGM could be a little closer together so one could partake in both...I have met many a great folk on this board but it would be nice to meet more shareholders....Cheers

almost 14 years ago
Re: Masters of Mass Dilution....

Good post Rose heheh I must say you brought a smile to my face today while reading your post!! I also printed it out for a future read as the powers that be on this board will probably delete it....

almost 14 years ago
Re: Waste of question period!! Jackwho

Jackwho you said.....You sent a couple of questions to whom?I was at the AGM. Question period was over when there was no more questions being asked by the attendees. What was Wes supposed to do. Of course he called it off...

My reply to you....While listening to the AGM live...there was a box to submit questions during the meeting..I submitted a couple and I'm sure many others did as well...My guess would be that Wes was suppose to answer those questions(he did with a couple in particular about the tsx listing) I was disappointed that more questions were not addressed and question period was cut short because of lack of questions in the only point was he could have answered the numerous online questions.....

I've been heavily invested in Not for a long time..and I guess I'm one of the "BITTERS" as a previous posters tried to label the two groups on this board..I'm still hopeful, but just disappointed with the new board and their actions or lack of...I guess in all fairness to them...they had some pretty BIG shoes to fill!!!


almost 14 years ago
Waste of question period!!

I sent in a couple questions and it's a shame that with the extra time they allotted for the purpose of answering our questions.....Wes just called it a night!!!

almost 14 years ago
Re: Am I listening live???

Thanks...I wasn't sure if it started at the beginning..Did I miss anything earth shattering??

almost 14 years ago
Am I listening live???

Just started listening...they just introduced this at the start or what he is saying now???

almost 14 years ago
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