summerson's Profile

journeyman carpenter- self-employed

summerson's Posts

What's going on??

Did i miss part of my life here? all the boards are showing these prices of GNH saying that at a point this summer we were as high as $ 1.05??? am i missing something here???

and ower current price @ .115 ??? could someone please expain what's going on??


almost 10 years ago
Re: 2 more questions for Larry.... still no answer: This is so sad.

I second that response Crobar, I think it's put Hoov between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure he would answer all our questions to the best of his ability if he was able to do so. It really puts him in an uncomfortable say the lest>

As for Danny's questions?? not that he's asked for any advise? But "friends is freinds" and "buisness is buisness"


about 10 years ago
what's happening with Uragold?

Uragold being given 120 days to put financing together takes us to the end of June. Um surprised that more attention has'nt been given to this " letter of intent". This is a big deal!When are we going to get these results. We know there's gold in B.T. and setting up a " mill" on site could" make of break" this company.

P.S. Hopeing managment will rethink the " share consolidation" or at least delay it.


about 10 years ago
Uragold resources up to .06

Should'nt we be getting some news by the end of the month on Uragold's partnership on the mining mill for B.T.?? ( would sure like to see a mill on that site !!!)

I recieved my control number in the mail for voting purposes.

hopeing Uragold is on side...........ron.

over 10 years ago
Re: GNH Share Consolidation will make us vulnerable to fall again

Thank- you for your information danny;

It's so good to finally get some input as to what's going on with this company! especially whe n you have sooooo much at stake.

I have read your analogy on this topic, without having your knowledge in this industry can apprieciate your concerns. And i couldn't agree more. I will be voting down this share consolidation ( knocking at the door of close to a million sh.)

hoping our fellow shareholders read this letter and gives it the recommendations it deserves.

thanks again............summerson

over 10 years ago
Re: Golden Hope Proposes a Share Consolidation to its Shareholders

Why is this happening now? We a currently waiting on a plan with uragold ( hopefully an answer by the end of the month?) If do we do end up with a mill, why would we not wait to see where the s.p. would go from there? What do we need financeing for a this point?

I would sure like to hear more from the company as to why we need this What is it that a highter s.p. would get us at this point? I would prefer to wait and see which direction this mill in partnership w/ uragold is going?

good luck ....all;

over 10 years ago
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