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It's hard not to wonder...

The following is just 'thinking out loud' about what could be; I have no idea what really is...


It's hard not to wonder what has been going on lately if the name change for Tyhee was felt to be coming by certain players who foresaw problems related to naked shorting.

If, for example, naked shorting had been going on, and players involved got wind of a name change that could mean 'game over', would it have been in their interest to drive the share price down in order to get 'real shares' to cover?

I am not sure how all of this would work, but it seems to me that Tyhee had a certain momentum upwards and then, for some unexplained reason, was came down.

I seem to recall once hearing a discussion concerning what companies could do to counter naked shorting on Financial Sense; if I am not mistaken, one of the solutions was a name change.

In any case, this is all just 'what ifs' and I am just looking for input from others.



over 13 years ago
Cleaning House

After the name change was announced, it did cross my mind as to whether one effect would be that of cleaning house.

Who knows?

When you think about it, the assigning of new shares might involve confirmation of the validity of shares being exchanged...

If this is indeed the case, it could lead to quite a mess.

Does anyone here have experience with this through other company name changes?

All the best,


over 13 years ago

I wonder why it is ever so quiet here...

I truly hope for all of us that this thing becomes unstuck..., but even if it doesn't, my one hope has become that I might one day find out why. I am to the point where I would simply like to know the real reason why.

This way at least I would learn something from this rather unpleasant experience!

All the best,


over 13 years ago

Other than Kimber and Tyhee, do you follow stocks with seemingly solid fundamentals that have not popped at all with the latest up in gold/silver?

It's tempting to get into conspiracy/manipulation theories etc., but I am wondering if this isn't more widespread in the junior sector.

Thanks for your time.


over 13 years ago
Half-Serious Question

If the price of silver goes over $50, will this stock move?

This one is a bit difficult to understand in terms of market fundamentals.



over 13 years ago

Good day all,

Despite the lull in activity here and the possibility of overanalysis, I have a "what-if" question I would like your opinions on:

"If gold goes to $1500 and stays there or above, am I right in calculating that the additional $250 or more per ounce would go directly to Tyhee's profit column, once a mine is producing?"

My apologies if the question sounds naive, and, yes, I do realize gold could go much higher (or even go down); that's why this is a "what if" question...

Thank you for your input, and all the best to all of you!


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