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Re: I think the question of the day should be--JAY

Most investors know there is about a est. (30-90 day) window after MH for judge ruling. With commodities having big gaines this week, money will move where money is moving, until the window narrows. This is one of those events that never moves a stock price beforehand is a JUDGE's ruling on a event. Unless very saavy people can interprete other signals days before a ruling comes. I would not sweat this less than a month after MH, you will see pleanty of this in the comming weeks, until we get some indicators through Pacer events or other to signal which way ruling might go. IMO

over 13 years ago
attract micro funds and new investors

This is what everyone seemed to have not included in their reaction by last weeks PRs. What I am trying to say is that, Edig has not released the things told us will attract the micro fund and new investors YET. Imho I believe that last week PRs of the new group and RP leaving was needed and could be setting the stage for a very deep involvement of who ever this partnership still to be announced is, and the new technology they will be working with. Maybe and just maybe if we are lucky someone might be filling RPs place who was behind the framework of who ever the new partnership is with, and perhaps his name is recognized by micro fund mgrs and many investors. Many possibilities that we could all speculate on, but, I think a lot will finally be released over the next few months that could finally shed light on the future of the company. I could be way off, but, I think somethings are still comming that will make all shareholders feel the worth of being patient all these years.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Have not posted in a while, but, here is what I think.

Partners will think twice about stealing and maybe actualy partner instead, now that we have DM going after crooks.

almost 14 years ago
Have not posted in a while, but, here is what I think.

I stay pretty current on Edig progress and events, and I also was wondering why the release of material events and elements were pushed to next quarter. My best humble oppinion is that one of the biggest element has to do with a major big partnership, who most likley had a timeline of this quarter to release product with some of this new edig tech. , but, sometimes you encounter delays. If one digs deeper they can come up with some names who was set for new product launch this QT that has got pushed to early 2011. One company that comes to mind is Nokia. I believe Falk is not concerned at all with the short term delay effect on share price, because I believe Edig is really on the verge of a major announcement and imo it has to do with partnership with major co. I mentioned Nokia but, I'm sure there is others who are delayed with new product launch. With the shareholders meeting looming in a few months do you really think Falk wants to face shareholders who have been anticipating material events and elements without delivering. Next 3 months is a very short time, and then all of us will know.

As far as RP leaving, "the only thing permanent is change" and means nothing to the future of Edig. Paul allen left Microsoft and look what Bill did after that with microsoft, not to say Edig is like Microsoft, but, only that IF he sold all his shares as an insider and then left, I would give it a thought. My thought is soon his shares will no longer be restricted and he will be able to sell at anytime and any price, which i'm sure he hopes or plans to be much much higher than today.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Now .10

The only way these wild swings on low small volume can occur ( .08-.12) is if some put in market order sell or buy during trading day or after close. That is almost the only way to buy or sell in this low volume thru market orders and the market makers answer because they make on the spread.

over 14 years ago
Re: Could edig do this in a year or two with the right elements?

Talking about % gain for dollar thrifty from a low of .60 cents to 50+ dollars in 12 months

over 14 years ago
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