stockticker1968's Profile

stockticker1968's Posts

Re: Interesting, 20F Contains 2011 Audited CRYFQ Financials

Longkry - that is precisely what RM just told me as well. I hope he is right, and the SEC is in error.

over 11 years ago
Re: Different Perspective on Hugo Chavez

Plezenlighten, thanks for those words. I think we've both been in this for the same amount of time, and we're both in the same circumstance wrt our portfolios.

I've been thinking that the bad feelings directed towards Hugo, while completely understandable, don't do anyone's karma any good. And believe me, I've lost more on this investment than I could have ever imagined.


over 11 years ago
Re: TGIF - Friday Time & Sales

Hondobud - could you elaborate on the location of those comments?

about 12 years ago
Re: Venezuela finally leaves Icsid on Wednesday, July 25/Foley Hoag; You ArFired

This is a good point - what will VZ's level of effort be for existing cases now that they have pulled out? Arbitration interruptus?

about 12 years ago
Re: lawsuit

The November 2014 date is one year after our oral hearing. That is slightly less than is expected for the average decision to be made. Perhaps that is when the negotiations for settlement will begin - right after the hearings...

about 12 years ago
Re: Press Release???

Somebody get in contact with a penny stock analyst, and let's get the penny pumpers to light the rocket....

over 12 years ago
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