stevens's Profile

stevens's Posts

Re: Defendants Opening Claim Construction Brief - next...

"I like the prospects of the Dominion Team"

has nothing to do!
when will DH finally hold all documents in their hands? when the first licenses will be announced?

about 9 years ago
Re: NOTHING on Dominion Harbor so far,


Dominion has nothing to do with the last two news. sadly, dh still not begun to work for us, sad that working documents still missing

about 9 years ago
RT $ 0.07

RT $ 0.07

over 9 years ago
Re: Unrealistic expectations.....

"Is the 950 k judgement something thats binding on future licenses? How long does and appeal take? Can the 950 judgement be overturned?"

You better had to inform yourself bevor posting such bla bla bla

950.000 USD has nothing to do with any licenses - this dollars only paid as damages

almost 11 years ago
Re: The problem relates to our award for damages IMO.

again, again, again

Nobody knows the amount of the coming HTC license!!!!!!

We only read the damages in one of this pacers!!

almost 11 years ago
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