srandl's Profile

Grew up on a farm near Portland, Oregon.  Was cocaptain of the high school wrestling team.  Worked as a part engineer for Precision Castparts Corporation for 25 years and treetired from PCC at the age of 45.  Now I just raise Christmas trees on my farm.  I have been happily married for 25 years and have two daughters both in College. Love hiking, waterskiing and travel.

srandl's Posts

Re: toxic waste / Re: srandl / Re: Think of it this way.....Lamberts

I guess I'm having trouble grasping what is considered an adequate license fee or adequate damages when these companies are making billions of dollars by selling their products that would not work without the technology that has been stolen from the patents. How much money would PTSC have made had they sold the ignite chip? Would PTSC be an Intel like company today?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Think of it this way.....Ronran

First I am happy we won in courtand do believe that had we lost it was probably lights out. But what I am concerned about is the low damage award. Why would the damages be enough of a threat for the remaining infringing companies to come forward and purchase a license? Can't they just continue to wait us out and if we do have to take them to court what are they really going to lose? I could see an award like $50,000,000 would bring infringing companies to the table but less than a million dollars? What am I missing here?


almost 11 years ago
Re: Final note re Wolf's Post......

I havn't visited the Agoracom site for a couple of months. I am deeply sadened by the news of Wolf's passing. Although I never met Wolf, I had great respect for his integrity, inteligence and everything he did for this forum. He was a good man. We will miss him.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family for their loss.


over 11 years ago
Re: And again-- selective memory - US Oil drilling up on private land /sadley

I thought it was great when Obama tried to take credit for the increase in drilling only to have Romney deliver the truth that under Obama drilling permits on government land is down by about half. The increase in drilling was due to an increase on private land.

Romney has a real energy policy where we develope the energy resources in our country that also will generate jobs in this country and reduce prices and our dependency on forien oil.

Empty chair or empty suit what's the difference really?

almost 12 years ago
Re: yea! what Bush just said..Nosenothing194...

Silly you is right, if Bush had taken out Bin Laden when he was at a camp but he didn't because their was a Saudi Prince there, the war could have been over earlier but it is comingto end in spite of what some Repubbies have protested.

The war is coming to an end? What planet are you living on? We are at war with radical muslem extremists and will be for decades to come. Also Iran is developing nuclear weapons and your weak leader is failing to stop it. Iran with a Nuke will more than likely start WWIII and how many millions will die from the weakness letting evil build in the world? Who are you going to blame then.

The problem with Obummer is he is more concerned about being popular and hob nobbing with his hollywood friends than doing his job. Perhaps it is because he hasn't got a clue as to how to create jobs and handle foreign affairs. I'm sure though that he would make an excellent community organizer. He relies on useful idiots like yourself that are on the government dole and or can't think for themselves to reelect the clown in the whitehouse. Our country can't take 4 more years with this clown.

Romney has a record of success in business and that is what this country needs right now, is someone that can create millions of jobs by deregulating, lowering tax burdens, repealing Obama care and properly reforming health care.

almost 12 years ago
Re: ntp8 - If you think any president has direct control of a covert /Sedley

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Can you think of anything else your president has done right? I bet Obummer wears slip ons because I don't think he would be able to tie his own shoes.

over 12 years ago
Near Portland
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