squasher's Profile

Royal Military College Kingston Ontario 1969 Retired from Military 2007 Divorced 2001 Single

squasher's Posts

Re: Margin

Thanks for all the commentary on the proposed reorg. I think that it makes sense and will be voting my 1.4M shares for. I have faith in Frank and support what he is doing for all of us. As mentionned, he has over 22M shares and would not be suggesting this move if he thought it would weaken the share price!

I am somewhat conerned about the large number of stock options that management has given to themselves...over 85 million and mostly at 5 cents in the past year and good until 2020. That is rather dilutive in my mind.

about 8 years ago
Re: KWG Resources Launches Social Media Campaign Promoting Its Proposed...

I just signed on as #371. Come on folks it only takes 2 minutes. We need at least 500 so lets go.


over 10 years ago

Any thoughts on items 3,4&5. Is management getting greedy what with stock options adn share awards?

over 10 years ago
Re: Merry Christmas

Where is everyone? Happy New Year to all KWG longs.

Say, does anyone know what is happening with DDI? It doesn't seem to be trading.

over 10 years ago
Re: Labour finally invited into ONTC talks

Thanks fot that news Laura. Also cudos to Frank Smeek for his interview with George.

All this recent news is great...but the price keeps dropping!!! It just doesn't make sense. I am looking at it as a buying opportunity and picked up another 7500 shares today at the ridiculous price of 0.16???

Good luck to all Noront and KWG longs.

almost 11 years ago
Re: KWG: the chromite mouse that roars!!

Good to see you back on the blog Pear3.

almost 11 years ago
Angus Ontario
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