spock999's Profile

spock999's Posts

Re: Prototypes

If read correctly, there is a minimum 6 month push back for real Prototype to be available. The recent NR is only talking about reduction in chip size to 100nm expected by end of June not the prototype. I guess the old filing was too optimistic for the launching time of the prototype.

Can anyone more knowlegible explain the technical difference bewteen a 100nm chip and the prototype? Isn't the 100nm chip the workbale prototype already? THX.

over 10 years ago
Re: Seven/I am not Dave!

He might be posting here in another incarnnation anyway. I like his information/facts related posts but not the 'Found you DAVE!!!!" posts.

Anyway, I am glad to be here and there and think all in all, it will be the first commercialization NR that will prove POET is an actually workable product in the real world. Just need the first partner to jump on board. Before that, anything else is just speculation and science achievement and the SP will go up and down until then.

I will add on any major dips close to 1.2 - 1.40s range and just wait out for next 6 - 12 months. Wouldn't mind trading a bit the non-core postions - Why would only the traders be taking the benefit of the swings?


over 10 years ago
Re: military technology - Over analyzed

I think we may have read too much in the Update. If it is a new partner, I don't see why they would not put out a NR instead of relying on public sleuth to deduce everything from hints/clues. Why would there be a NR next Tuesday? The proven parts are the many patents but commercialization is unproven until a buyout or licensing agreement is announced. I agree that a buyout is much more likely as along as POET can prove their chip can actually work with real commercial product. Just want to test my first post so don't call me Dave.

over 10 years ago
Re: Our partner - Is Marc Bruner still around?

Hello some of the old familiar names:

I have counted my FO investment as dead money after Hungary years ago and the residul is not even whorth selling anymore - I hope this re-testing in Australia will resurrect FO.

Need one successful well with respectable flow test from somewhere/anywhere...........


over 13 years ago
Re: yes,the knight.....

Maybe out of good intention, maybe out of some inside information, The knight had always been a staunch supporter of Falcon as a company and Bruner as a CEO, but the fact is that if anyone had listened to the knight's advices on buying or selling, holding of FO stocks, or his FO stock price movement predictons for the past 3 - 4 years would have lost a lot of money. It is not really anyone's fault that F1 test was bad and no one on this borad could have predicted the SP in advance but coming out now and calling the complete doom of Falcon seems quite out of character of the knight for the past 3 - 4 years and we appears to have another bitter FO investor turned into a FO hater and non-believer.... I really don't know how to make of it...., Anyway, no hard feelings even with all the losses!

Each to his own,

P.S. I stopped listening to TNK quite a while ago :-) so the loss was better than.......

almost 15 years ago
Re: Post Mort/FLOW/ - Notes

As far as I know the common pratice is that you test the best zones first instead the poor zones and then go down from the list, if the best doesn't work, then what the chance for the other poorer zones? I could be totally wrong on this and Bruner might have stated the fact when he talked about "sweet spots" above but I tend to think Exxon geologist/engineers would have picked the "sweet spots" to test already. Hope I am wrong as I am still holding large even after selling half.


almost 15 years ago
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