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Re: a tale of trades

Agree. Something has to change.

over 7 years ago
Re: a tale of trades

Pic's just trying to generate some discussion, but that's hard to do when the company is incommunicado, including being months behind on their filings. So the same stuff gets recycled incessantly.

As of now, any potential new investor will see a company that has made many promises regarding their business plan, and come through on essentially none of them. They are worryingly late on their filings, and in danger of losing status if they don't get the share price back above .01. Why would anyone look at this company and invest? There will be no reason for anything to change until we hear something substantive and positive from the company.

We need better management, whether that means present management performing or being replaced with those who can. And yes, I'm also sounding like a broken record.

over 7 years ago
Re: Should have stayed vacation...going back down

They can produce the filings (especially the 10Q) regardless of whether a mangement change is imminent. Any change now does not affect what happened the third quarter of LAST YEAR.

over 7 years ago
Re: Should have stayed vacation...going back down

Little reason to maintain any momentum until there is something official, substantial, and positive from the company. But every extra day w/o filings is an ever-increasing negative. Maybe one or two people might be buying on spec, but there is no reason to draw in new long term investors. There do seem to be a couple P&Ders sniffing around the other board (probably drawn by programs noting the recent high percentage runup), but they are not the type we want to attract. 

Mangement needs to perform.

over 7 years ago
Re: Guys, here is a good consideration

Fade- Apologies if I misinterpreted your post as "positive" (I did say maybe, as you quoted). I was pointing out that the potential positive things you had mentioned (holding pay, reducing shares, canceling chares, etc.) have yet to be confirmed, as have most of the promises and plans of this management. In my original post, I was simply pointing out that that many of what consider repetitive negative posts are simply responses to repetitive positive posts. Considering the present status of the company and share price, one would expect most of the discussion to be negative. That's not bashing, just reality. And you don't have to "twist" things to be disgusted with management's performance.

over 7 years ago
Re: Spiny- BOUTS

Yes, I'm aware of the rumblings, read between the lines, etc. I try to keep to the facts in my analysis in my posts. I sure hope some of what is being hinted at is true. We could use some good news.

over 7 years ago
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