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spidermonkey1's Posts

Conversations with Dave and Patrick

I had conversations with both Dave and Patrick after the deal announcement. They both went out of their way to tell me that there were no material findings in any unrealesed drill results. This has never sat well with me.

I wouldn't be surprised if significant high grade results are later released by Goldcorp in the areas of which the drillers were active while BL was owned by Probe. At this point, I would be interested in a lawsuit. Thoughts?

over 9 years ago
Seeking Alpha Posts


This was out awhile ago. I just started reading some of the posts of supposed Gold Corp shareholders. Check out this one:

  • They are attempting to purchase Probe because Borden Lake is an incredible asset. Your assumptions are off because you assume that no more gold exists on property. The high grade zone continues for at least another 700 meters to the other side of Borden Lake. It is high grade, not low grade which is seen in so many other projects in North America VIT, SA, etc. Also, this is right next to infrastructure, again unlike any other property, even Pretium. They are stealing Probe actually. They are also aware someone else may bid for Probe, hence the clause that they have the right to match a bid within 3 business days.

    25 Jan, 10:50 AMReply Like 0

  • The Critical Investor
    , Contributor

    Comments (1180)| + Follow| Send Message

    Author’s reply » At least another 700m, based on what exactly?

    25 Jan, 07:40 PMReplyLike0

  • Spilunking

    Comments (10)| + Follow| Send Message

    Based on the IP scan the company has performed over Borden Lake. The structure continues on.

    As it stands there are tens of millions of shares voting against the deal, if they gain momentum it could scuttle the deal.

  • over 9 years ago
    Don't Vote For This Piece of Crap Offer!!!!!!

    Risk Factors

    Probe Shareholders should carefully consider the risk factors relating to the Arrangement. Some of these risks include, but are not limited to: (i) the Arrangement Agreement may be terminated in certain circumstances, including in the event of a change having a Material Adverse Effect on Probe; (ii) there can be no certainty that all conditions precedent to the Arrangement will be satisfied; (iii) Probe will incur costs even if the Arrangement is not completed and may have to pay the Termination Fee; (iv) Probe directors and executive officers may have interests in the Arrangement that are different from those of the Probe Shareholders; (v) the New Probe Shares may not be listed; (vi) Probe Shareholders will receive a fixed number of Goldcorp Shares; (vii) owning Goldcorp Shares will expose Probe Shareholders to greater risks from foreign operations; (viii) Goldcorp and Probe may not integrate successfully; (ix) Tax risks if the New Probe Shares are not listed on a designated stock exchange; (x) the Arrangement may have adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to U.S. Holders under the PFIC rules; and (xi) we expect that New Probe will be a PFIC for the current taxable year and may be a PFIC in subsequent years, which could have adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences for U.S. Holders.

    over 9 years ago

    Equities rallying and USD (DXY) rallying. One would think GOLD would be off today but, low and behold, it has bounced off its lows and is now up on the day with volume. Hmmm....very interesting.

    almost 10 years ago
    Re: Updated Presentation - December 2014

    Twas a few weeks before Christmas

    And all through Chapleau

    Alot of drills were turning

    Since the Wedge and much more are now a go!

    I settled in for a long winter's sleep

    When from my Iphone I heard a faint beep

    It was a long awaited for news release

    The whole f-ing Borden Lake Gold District

    Not just a small piece!

    Visions of gold nuggets danced through my head

    Along with Probe's share price

    And what awaits for us in the core shed!

    As for Mister Hocking

    And what awaits him in his stocking

    A fresh, steaming pile of dooh

    Not from a poodle, but instead from a Cockapoo (google it, it's a real dog!).

    I heard Dave P exclaim:

    On Jamie, on Yves, on Patrick, on Agnico!

    To the top of the charts, Here we go!!!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    almost 10 years ago
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