spaceguy's Profile

spaceguy's Posts

Re: Hub Leaders....BRING BACK EZ!

why don't you contact Agoracom and get him back and quit asking the hub leaders to do it for you?

I did just that and repeated your sentiment. I thought EZ an energetic, positive poster. We could use

a little more of that right now with this stock, easy to be negative about it.

over 13 years ago
Material event

We should be hearing from RF. If this isn't a material event, I don't know what is.

over 13 years ago
Re: Halted link

April 1 was a noteworthy chapter to this KRY adventure! How appropriate, that is, if you still have a sense of humour after this many years. (I long for the days that we were treading water at $3.00)

I'm glad that Schwab rep doesn't think this is a delisting announcement(according to longkry06) on Agoracom News Flash board.

over 13 years ago
Halted link

We're number one!~

Maybe Chavez settled. Fingers crossed.

over 13 years ago
Re: VenEconomy: A Destructive Strategic Plan / an excellent read

Hey, mineonmoney! Nice find!

I think it's awfullly cynical of this writer to reduce this complicated subject to simple terms that even I could understand. LOL

But what about Chavez? It's not too late for him to revisit the former money generating policies, (including mining). The oil is still there and the price per barrel keeps getting sweeter.

Any chance that Chavez or his henchmen will read the article?

over 13 years ago
Re: Buy, or a Sell, Re: From the other board, Sloopster

All of my portfolio is in and I encouraged my wife to put most of hers in. She's not happy! (So say we all). I get the same warning from her that you do. Sigh! But how time flies. We're a lot closer to retirement now and not looking for risky plays like when we were younger. Unless I can talk her into reverse mortgaging the house.............

over 13 years ago
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