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somoney's Posts

Re: Odd trading ?...Dude

This stock has been a lesson in the ineficiencies and bureaucracy of the legal system. It is unbelievable. A system that is easily manipulated, procrastinating, slow and devoid of logic. It becomes a complete train wreck of interpretation.

almost 10 years ago
Re: Preferred Stock Ref: Aug 2013 10K

I so want to sell this stinker and be done with it. heck 10 cents and Im out.

almost 10 years ago
More Moore

Meanwhile, with hearing on the Moore MMP Disclosure Statement set for October 2, 2014, Mr. Moore’s counsel received a copy of a September 18, 2014 “open letter” to the Officers and Board of Directors of Patriot (Patriot is a TPL creditor with a representative member on the Committee). This open letter is signed for and on behalf of 75 Patriot shareholders, and by its terms it requests submission of a copy of the letter and its accompanying shareholder list “in whatever form may be acceptable” to the Bankruptcy Court.To accommodate that request, and in the interest of full disclosure of the position of all interested parties and persons in this matter, a true and correct copy of this open letter in support of the MMP Plan is attached as Exhibit 1 to this MMP Disclosure Statement and is incorporated by this reference.

I'm a little late to the news but wow. The fact that they presented the letter as an exhibit is more responsive action then we've ever received from the crummy board at Patriot. Chuck Moore has my support until the end. You're all awesome. Thank you for your efforts.

almost 10 years ago
Re: The Moore Plan (MMP Plan)

The irony about all these problems with TPL is that Chuck Moore is the guy who brought them in the mix from day one. That was back in the early stages negotiaiting with Intel. Moore suddenly had an interest in patents he seemed to care less about prior to licensing efforts sparked by Patriot. I like his plan. I just hope the character of potential creditors on the board are held to a higher standard. It makes me nervous knowing Moore could be one of the individuals deciding on the lawyers we deal with in the future. He doesnt have a good track record picking them.

about 10 years ago
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