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solarcircle's Posts

Re: No trading?

Thanks for the correction positive but my questions remains. When are we going to see orders from a NEW mine? Why have there been no new orders for so long and when can we expect them to start coming in? Because that's what it's going to take to see a rise in the sp. How long can we hang on waiting before there is more major dilution again? Is MSHA going to start to force the issue or continue to maintain the status quo? Has the recent mine disaster changed any of this or will it in the near future? I would love to call Peter but haven't been able to contact him directly and when he returns my call I'm at work. If anyone else has the time I would love to hear the answers to those questions and so would a lot of other investors.

over 14 years ago
Re: No trading?

The real question is where are the new customers rather than just add-ons of unspecified value. Why is IR so silent on what's going on? How about an update which lets us know what the holdup is and how long it's expected to go on - I'm sure they must have some idea by now since they must be talking to the mines directly.

over 14 years ago
Re: Mine Explosion and tragedy in WV

the questions that will be asked will be "Why is safety not being enforced?" and "Why have the mandated communication systems not been installed since they were mandated in 2006?" It's outrageous. But we've all known that for some time now.

over 14 years ago
Re: Conversations

Did he say when he thinks this "stalling" will come to an end. Will mines be forced to comply and what is the time frame for that. PO's are really what counts here.

over 14 years ago
Re: L-3

My thought is that I don't even care that it's another company finally getting a PO. To me it means that perhaps a little crack has opened in the dam and hopefully we'll start to see some action ourselves. I think a PO like that would do wonders for our sp.

over 14 years ago
Re: MSHA problem

The only think I could find was that Feb. 3 buy which was nice to see. I'm hoping for more. If I see higher volumes starting I think I may jump in again.

The only thing I could find is that Feb. 3 buy - which is nice to see

Active Control Technology Inc. (ACT)

As of February 18th, 2010

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Feb 03/10
Jan 29/10
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10 - Acquisition in the public market

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