soberday's Profile

soberday's Posts

Re: did you know if you..SC, you mean thiat little underlined sentence...

I'm a long time shareholder of Copper Fox. My initial strategy as an investor has changed partly to the economic downturn in the commodities market but also as the company has had to deal with delays they are powerless over. My financial commitment is irrelevant to anyone on this board and relatively not the point. What is relevant is the feeling that my investment is being held hostage. No, cashing out is not an option for me or anyone of the majority. The sp is just too low to cash out and leave. Many would loose a good chunk of they're original investment. I understand the need for complete silence, and wouldn't want negotiations to be jeopardized by any leak of information. I don't think Teck wants our price to rise, and the silence is deafening and draining. It's like leaving the kids to mind the candy store. The investors are tired of delays, delays, delays and silence. The constant reassuring of great wealth to come, is of little comfort when financial opportunities are lost and missed elsewhere.
I have no doubt that Copper Fox will make a good deal for its investors. However, timing is a vital component to any deal and financial endeavour. Any wise investor who has done his/her due dillegence with this company would have felt a high level of security and business ethics.
My point being.....the theme of this investment has been to expect nothing more than a payout in the end. It has been totally about the money, and if sacrificing my patience and tolerance for extra bucks is the price I pay to be a Copper fox shareholder, than my dance with the devil continues.

over 11 years ago
Re: Teck Presentations

I was wondering why shaft creek was light blue compared to all the others being dark blue.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Where is Vette these days?

Is the blog still up . Funny but vette doesn't seem to be the bell ringer anymore. What's with that?Are the disappointments of management getting the biggest supporter of Copper Fox down? There is only so much support and confidence we can extend to CUU's management team. We always find ways to cut them a break for 10 days or 2 more months and so on, and so on.......enought is enough. The total certainty of knowing that every commitment to deadlines and timelines ends up in delays and stalling techniques, starts to raise serious questions about ethics within the framework of business integrity. The continued need for hope is like a junky looking for a fix. When will this company stop taking the little people for granted and assume we will still be waiting for the next news release to be the "Big One" that finally pays off. When in reality I want to have faith that management will include shareholders how they're investments are being used. Instead we come to these blog sites to find pieces of a puzzle to fit a picture only of pure speculation.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Elmer's contact info

Thank you

almost 12 years ago
Elmer's contact info

Does Elmer have a email address to contact besides the general copperfox address? If so, would someone mind posting.
Thanx, soberday

almost 12 years ago
Re: NEWBIES - To keep this board clean

Stopping new people from posting is throwing the baby out with the bath water. There are enough knowlegable posters on this forum with the ability to dispute or add to any new or questionable copper fox information. The problem arises when the personalities become the focus over the principles.


over 12 years ago
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