smitty76's Profile

smitty76's Posts

Re: While We Wait

Congratulations to you sir. It's been 3 months since I sold my full positon and moved it into an intermediate cu producer, hoping I could recoup some or all my losses. Due to good timing and lots of luck, I was fortunate to do the latter. I'm now back at even.

I'm considering taking another go at cuu at some point in the future. For now I am content to watch on the sidelines. Best of luck to the rest of you.


about 8 years ago
Re: CXM opens at 1.5 cents

Is there a previous precedent for reversal of claim ownership, where the claims were obtained legally? Seems odd that they would say well chaps, because it's the first time since we've had such a thing happen since the amalgamation changes, you can have the claims back, but don't make that mistake again please.


over 8 years ago
Re: Well. Well Better late than never I suppose.

Issuing news release on a Thursday? That's rather strange, bad news is typically delivered on a Friday.

EDIT: Sorry, my bad. I'm off on rotation and have my days mixed up. Thought today was Wednesday. My appologies.


over 8 years ago
Re: talked to the office

I'm not able to answer that question as I am not on a secure network at the moment, so not able to log into my online account to see if last weeks sell order was executed today. It's possible though.


over 8 years ago
Re: talked to the office

Just checking in here briefly to see if there was an update. Question: Could there not be legal recourse for CXM shareholders on record due to the what I assume will be huge additional costs to get the said claims back in posession of Carmax? A costly oversight in the business world can easily foster a costly Gross Negligence lawsuit, further adding to the damage. This is so very unfortunate.


over 8 years ago
Re: Who blinks first? Carmax or Copper Fox

I would hope this isn't true. If it is, it's the kind of costly oversight that can be career ending for the individual at the helm.


over 8 years ago
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