smile2018's Profile

smile2018's Posts

Re: Winfield and Bouvier Defont

Foley finally is feeling so relax because he has a perfect excuse not get wwf back to trade again. I believe everybody is relax because there is no any chance to get this penny stock back to trade at least within five years. Can somebody give me just one case to prove Foley get one project succeed in his whole career records?

over 13 years ago
Re: Does this remind you of something?

Royrogers, did that money trafer into wwf account? If not, could you please ask Foley how many other business days that will take to complete thaf tranfer? Why 7 business days finally become never ending days?

over 13 years ago
Re: Anticipation...

This game is over for sure. If wwf finally luck to get back, I believe it's the last chance to sell all your shares. No sooner or later wwf will be delisted. What has Foley done? I just remembered he got wwf price drop from $0.78 to $0.05, what else has he done? None.

almost 14 years ago
Re: How much has Foley told us finally turned out to be true?

12 business days has passed. Nothing happened like before. We are all tired of being told to be patient again. We are tired of being told business still goingon and positive. I don't know why China or Lybia has no interest in wwf (if wwf was descripted to be very potent by Foley)? Maybe Foley bragged wwf too much to believe it for them.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Not So Fast - Read and Heed

For recent four years, We only have heard the thunders' rolling, no rain fell. Royrogers, do you know how much money wwf will receilve? If wwf will only receive $100,000 to $500,000, all these money will quickly used up. wwf management team should try to make one or two projects to work to produce money to maitain operations to continue. If wwf only passively wait other investors to invest money to get it ongoing, no one knows how long, how far it will go.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Not So Fast - Read and Heed

According to wwf management team's working pace, there is still a long way to go. I believe it will take at least another year for Foley finally to get wwf back to trade. Also as a company, only costs, no channels to produce revenues, how long will it go?

almost 14 years ago
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