slapper76's Profile

slapper76's Posts

Re: Dazza8: Please Respond

It seams as though a lot of this is "he said - she said, fact-fiction, interpretation-assumption, etc etc'.

I have a legitimate question after reading this thread.

My question is why, currently trading around $0.20, does this matter at all? If A triumphs over B and is declared factually the winner, how does this affect SLI? Our share price? Future 'results'?

Would SLI go back and resample? Thus new results to report? Or have they packed up and moved on?

...on the flip side...

about 12 years ago
Re: IGD to List on US Exchange

What does the Breast Cancer Society of Canada have to do with any of this?

A great site though...

about 12 years ago
Re: Errors

Its the damn bashers and folks at SH.

about 12 years ago
Re: I want what we were promised


So legally she couldn't reveal any news of significance, doesn't run her company the way we all think it should be done, still waiting for results... yup, she must be drunk.

A tad facetious...

over 12 years ago
Re: River Cree Update

I hate to come on here and be the bearer of bad news. I'll probably be labeled and blacklisted as a 'basher' for raining on this little parade.

So it's great that the rosters are full for the hockey game... Whoopie.

And it's really fantastic that a bigger room was made available for the masses... Wowie.

BUT wake up people and get your collective heads outa the sand. None of this means a damn thing if there are no Ice Girls in attendance. Come on people, we deserve better!!

How hard is it to line up some Ice Girls??!!

I demand ICE GIRLS and am not gonna be happy till I see some!

AND I stress, this is ONLY IMHO. Take it for what it is. Ban me if you must, but i know for a fact there are many people invested in SLI with the same thoughts... and dreams... I will fall on this sword on behalf of those who wish to remain silent out of fear for themselves and their loved ones.

I believe what I say and say what I believe.

Thats how i roll.

I'm jiggy with it.

Keep it real.

The link is below. Im not gonna do everything for you...


over 12 years ago
Re: Busby beer an bullsh?

Haha, very well done! I know a few people in that area and your spelling is actually better than theirs!

I'll be waiting at the Busby Bar with my shiny new ski-doo.

over 12 years ago
Spruce Grove
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