skycop27's Profile

skycop27's Posts

Re: MMP Patent Portfolio licenses were entered into with several companies..."

Man Air we are still here... I just wish one day it would go back to 2.25 lol. How many years has it been now since 2001? Heck I think I been here since 2000 I can not remember.

over 13 years ago
Re: Let's talk/Laurie-greeneye...

Hey Green

It is sky give me a ring.

about 14 years ago
Re: Pro or Con regarding PTSC

I must say after being invested in this company for over 7 years I have feel like I have wasted my time. I find this BOD inept at doing their job and they should be ashamed of what they have done over the years. I learned more in my MBA that I finished while invested in this company. Over the years it seems the BOD does everything it can to shoot itself in the foot. That being said the only good thing I have gotten out of this last 7 years is all of you on this board. It has been a pleasure discussing the good and the bad with this stock. I just wish one day the company would start acting like a real company. When that happens maybe the shareholders will reap the benefits until then I feel we will just continue with the status quo.


over 14 years ago
Re: Nobody gave me any examples

Here is one example how about 3M. I am sure you all know the company. It started out as a mining company and about went bankrupt. It then went into make sandpaper and grinding wheels. Eventually it went on to make scotchtape, post notes etc and rest is history. The thing about 3M is it created a visionary company and cult like culture. It also did a ton of things right and set in place the steps to ensure the companies survial no matter who the CEO in charge was. This is what Patriot needs to do. Set in place vision and innovative thinking. It needs to be more than a one trick pony as you are all saying right now. Will it every get there is the question? I been waiting for 7 years. Heck I started this thing as a BS student lol now I am a professor go figure. At any point its been fun to watch.


about 15 years ago
Re: I'd have to do the research, but many small mining companies

Here is one example how about 3M. I am sure you all know the company. It started out as a mining company and about went bankrupt. It then went into make sandpaper and grinding wheels. Eventually it went on to make scotchtape, post notes etc and rest is history. The thing about 3M is it created a visionary company and cult like culture. It also did a ton of things right and set in place the steps to ensure the companies survial no matter who the CEO in charge was. This is what Patriot needs to do. Set in place vision and innovative thinking. It needs to be more than a one trick pony as you are all saying right now. Will it every get there is the question? I been waiting for 7 years. Heck I started this thing as a BS student lol now I am a professor go figure. At any point its been fun to watch.


about 15 years ago
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