skeleg's Profile

Pilot and gold bug. Author of Winter Kill - The Responding Dragon War.

skeleg's Posts

Re: Tyhee Head Count...How Many Are Reading This Board?

Is it safe to come out of my bunker yet?

It's been a tough several weeks, but I am hanging in!

The DOW is out of control, so is this when the smart money gets out and the media draws in the sheep?

When people here and on other forums talked about the coming volatility, they were not kidding!


over 11 years ago
Re: in good company

Yes, I sold some ABX and am now in the process of starting to buy those back. I am also down about 1/7th of my TDC, but hope to address that in the next week or two.

How about you, Scotrr? You get hurt, or are you one of those who made a killing on the way down shorting gold and gold mining stocks?

As for me, I believe this was a rare psychologocial panic event that will soon enough be behind us.

But it may have really hurt some people/companies beyond their ability to survive.

One thing I saw that was very weird, right in the middle of the panic on Monday, was momentary bursts of numbers of shares offered for sale of ABX, where the number would jump from say 50,000 bid vice 30,000 offer to momentarily 20,000 bid vice 650,000 offer, and then no trades for a few seconds and that mysterios offer dissappeared, and a lower bid / ask set up ensued, stepping down again and again taking ABX down deeper into hell. I think this happened to a lot of gold miing stocks, and I think this is where that flash-trading or whatever where the larger companies use supercomputers to put in asks which they have no intent of following through on, just to suck the prices farther down.

In any case, I think we may learn of some very nasty manipulation on the way down. On the other hand, it could well be that it was a cascde of stops and margin calls that got a panic life of their own. I does not look like fundamentals or the end of the gold bull to me, as money printing and real inflation are not going away.

Wish I had held off a couple of weeks before my big purchases... now would be a great time to buy more Tyhee and majors.


over 11 years ago
in good company

After the schiitkicking I have taken in the last two weeks, on ABX and TDC, I am left wondering if this can ultiamtely be good to have behind us. If gold recovers towards new hights in the next year or two, then this was the needed correction. It will also kill off several juniors, I suspect.

Tyhee has stood up as well as can be expected, and is in good company.

And with good economics at $1400 gold, I still believe I am invested in a good company.

Time will tell, and I will not give away what shares I have left!

Gene Skellig

over 11 years ago
Re: Hans risks a lot by being out of play

Oops, my mistake, Canaccord, not Sprott.

Looking forward to a great week next week for Gold stocks!


over 11 years ago
Hans risks a lot by being out of play

It does not bother me that Hans is currently out of the game. He is still welcome here, and still treated with a degree of suspicion by some (myself included). However, if he truly is not holding Tyhee, I put it out there that he may live to see a day when he regrets that. Things can sour, or turn positive, in a flash. If he is waiting till risk and delays are reduced, then maybe he will be one of those jumping in as the ship readies to leave port. Fine, that helps propell the SP upwards when that time comes.

As for me, I am lousy at timing. So staying in, long and strong, is the way I choose to go!


over 11 years ago
Richard Evans profile

He is 65 years old, not old by any standard for Board Members / influential people. As for influential people, this guy certainly is well connected. Also, his education (MS Stanford School of Business) and role in some audit committees is reassuring.

Most importantly, I think he can help steer tyhee into financing, which we now understand to be in hand, or nearly so, and contingent on permitting. So if there is a june announcement (or MVEIRB acknowledgement / posting) of Tyhee response to all those second-round IRs, we will be in the final chapter of the permitting process.

But when does share price move?

I belive that new energy and proximity to major milestones in the coming summer months could see a few well-healed investors taking positions in Tyhee. that is all it will take to move SP into the 'twenties. IMHO.


over 11 years ago
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