sinbadsgold's Profile

Forced retirement from Boeing when Onex bought them out. I like Gold/Silver/Uranium and hope to make enough to buy a 2cnd home in Peru. Would love to visit Canada some day and catch one of those Muskee's, they look like good fighters.

sinbadsgold's Posts

Re: Investor Village is the place to go....

Hey CedarTree! If the A G O R folds up plz email me the location wherever you guys end up. I have not been reading the BB since SP hit $.32.. I plan to only check in when KXL sends me a email alert of news.Still have my shares, just cant stand to watch them everyday. Still believe we will triumph in the future, Just when that future is I could not say. But it will happen without me micromanaging the shares i stubbornley refuse to sell. As far as the late 43-101 estimate , I can only hope its for a good reason and is growing larger as we speak. I hope the video and milestone release is not an attempt at damage control and truely represents better things down the road.


over 14 years ago

No more PDAC's, no more shows till you have something news worthy to show. No more acquisitions till you have explored what you all ready own. Stay home and drill. The market has spoken.

over 14 years ago
Re: Sold the last couple of thousand shares

Good luck Tau, I am staying because they have pretty well broke me and if I sell, it will confirm their failure but mostly mine as well.

over 14 years ago
Re: Emirates Business article - gold accumulation

Congratulations on the Hockey game. One heck of a game!

Looking frwd to some news.

over 14 years ago
Wine & Cheese!

Wish I could make it up for some wine and cheese March 7 at the PDAC. Way the share price has been going I will be lucky to get bread and water for the forseeable future. Maybe they could have a magic show and pull a rabbit out of a hat. Please excuse my sarcasm, something has to change soon.

over 14 years ago
Re: In touch with Kodiak today

Thumbs Up Cedar! Thanks for sharing info.

over 14 years ago
Wichita, Kansas
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