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simbran's Posts

Re: As market conditions improve....

Misery loves company.... The more the miserable-er.

Sticking around till the end. But, I don't see the possibility of realizing any gains in my lifetime. My grandkids? Maybe. Here is a Reuters article regarding copper. I'll still be around by then. Then again, will the groundwork for a mine in Shaft Creek be even started? Why would Teck do that? I think we would be realistic to expect a whole lot of nothing at Shaft Creek for decades. I hope I'm wrong.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Teck sells property in NW BC

Now we just wait and see what they think of SC with optimizations

Will someone please remind me when we are expecting these? Will we even find out? Does Teck even need to tell us?

I apologize about my ignorance on the subject. I just haven't been able to find a clear reference in my quick search as to if/how/when we are to receive these results.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Teck debt rating now Junk

On the plus side, Teck has almost finished the optimization studies.

I too would like to know how we can possibly know the timeline. Why would they even feel compelled to give any indiciation what that timeline is? Copper Fox certainly doesn't know anything.

almost 9 years ago
Good report on copper?

Hi all! Found this on the Globe and Mail website:,%202013%29.pdf

It kind of scares me that there is no need to build a new copper mine for some time. Who will buy Copper Foxes 25% when there is absolutely no urgency to mine the stuff?

Turning to copper, prices could slip towards the US$3 mark over the next 12-24 months, as the current wave of new mine supply continues. However, we have upwardly revised our price forecast for 2014 to US$3.15 per pound in view of this year’s stronger-than-expected demand growth in China (+12.5%). A shortage of scrap as well as robust demand in the auto (+13.5% YTD) and electrical equipment sectors has boosted cathode demand. China’s State Reserve Bureau may attempt to acquire a bigger buffer stock in 2014, with prices near a cyclical low. The net result, copper has flipped into ‘backwardation’ — a sign of market tightness. By the second half of the decade, it appears likely that copper prices will rebound strongly, given the strength of ‘emerging market’ demand and higher required incentive prices for new mine development. In 2012, vehicle ownership in China was a mere 81 compared with 794 per 1,000 people in the United States.

over 10 years ago
Will Arizona save us?

IMHO there is no reason for Teck Resources to build a mine at Shaft Creek where CUU holds 25% until electrical power is assured at the site. AND not until there is an environmental assessment that shows that they can build a mine at Shaft Creek without negatively impacting the enviroment. How come there is hardly ever any mention of this potentially catostrophic variable? If the EA doesn't go through 0.375 is going to look awesome!

So, IMHO, the market will NOT drive up CUU shares unless there is something absolutely remarkable happening in Arizona. Someone please talk me off this cliff.

almost 11 years ago
Re: We will get news tomorrow IMO

....based off previous announcements from Copper Fox management.

I thought that any release of news from the drill results would come from Teck Resources?

almost 11 years ago
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Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.