silvervirgo's Profile

silvervirgo's Posts

Re: Goldex Royalty Sale

No one seems to have noticed this item in the release. I read that they have only sold a portion of the 5% smelter royalties. Please reread and comment. Thank you!!

almost 12 years ago
Re: HALT was initiated by the exchange...

Someone who has good rapport with JJ needs to phone the office to see if it is clarification of recent releases or clarification on a new release.

almost 15 years ago
Re: The AGM-comments...........

sorry Mr. Fong

almost 16 years ago
Re: The AGM-comments...........

I was at the meeting. Warren Irwin was there along with Mr. Fing and 2 other associates.


almost 16 years ago
Re: looking forward.- NO to Bruce Durham - vila

The interesting thing is that when the proposal was put forth by RN. It was rejected in 10 minutes and Rosseau walked out. Info I gleaned from a conversation with the office.

If you start the fight, you should be prepared to negotiate. But apparently this is not Mr. Irwin's style.

My portfolio mgr in Toronto played golf with the other side this week. They believe that they have won. I sure hope not. I live in London and will be at the annual meeting.

I'm not a lawyer, but I suspect that if we lose we have legal recourse. However in the meantime they will rape us.


almost 16 years ago
Re: Long chat with Warren Irwin

Crazydik, that was an interesting conversation that you had with Mr. Irwin. My understanding is that you are a lawyer and you would have a good understanding as to any legal recourse that might be available to us as shareholders.

Quite frankly if Mr. Irwin loses he can't afford to sell the stock down to 20 cents. His hedge fund would disappear quickly. I will be in line for that buying opportunity, as will many of you.

Let's get on our knees and pray he loses!!!



almost 16 years ago
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