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Re: How much is SFMI worth?

This may be why Goldcorp would pay what at first glance appears to be $765./oz. for 4.7 mil oz. Au equiv. at Cerro Negro, Argentina.

The veins at Cerro Negro "remain open at depth", and the company expects to find higher grade and higher margin deposit results at San Marcos and Mariana Deposits from the latest exploration drilling results.

Cerro Negro has 25,000 hectares in it, which is 96 sq. miles, with 10 currently identified prospect areas with gold showing.

"The property contains a large, very prospective land package, with a rich network of near-surface gold veins that are easily mineable at very low costs. The focus of current efforts is on growing gold reserves through exploration of these veins and testing new vein targets."

What Goldcorp implies is that it expects to find much larger reserves and resources than the newly increased 4.7 mil oz. Au equiv. at Cerro Negro. Their 96 sq. mile property with gold veins on 6 sites open at depth, and other prospects not yet explored or drilled, are what drove the company to pay $3.6 bil.

The tone of Goldcorp's site indicates they expect to find and mine much larger millions of oz's of Au equiv. at Cerro Negro. How much more? They don't say. But if they expect to find double the current approx. 5 mil oz. Au equiv. that they have "on the books", then their cost/oz. Au equiv. would be around $400./oz. Au equiv, not 765./oz. $400/ oz. for Au is top dollar paid in the last few yrs. for developed mines.

over 12 years ago
Discrepancies in Pierre's comments.

Perhaps you should do more dd before you believe portions of what Pierre said about the size of the deposits on WEM and his source for the 1926 report. First, the 1926 report by Piper and Laney was published by the Idaho Bureau of Mines - not the USGS. Pierre's stated 1926 gold price was $25./oz when it was actually $20./oz in 1926. Pierre lists silver at $1-2./oz when it was $.54/oz in 1926.

The important discrepancy is Pierre comment that the 1926 report listed the 1926 value of WEM at $10 bil., which , at 1926 $20./oz Au equiv., would mean there are 500 mil. oz. Au equiv. in WEM. A Very large Au deposit would be 30 mil. oz. The 1926 report does not give a $ value to WEM. The only report I remember listing resources on WEM is the undated Idaho Bureau of Mines two page report (1975?) that lists WEM as possibly having 5-8 mil. oz. Au equiv. in it, but with no $ figures given.

Are there large deposits of Au-Ag in WEM? Most certainly yes. Could the Au-Ag we find possibly be larger than the 5-8 mil. estimate of the IBM? Yes. I think the estimates that RK and PQ gave me in 2008 are fairly close to what we will find. They both said they think we have between 12-15 mil. oz Au equivalent (NOT 12-15 mil. oz GOLD) in WEM. Will we find 500 mil oz. Au equiv. in WEM? No.

almost 13 years ago
Questions and answers with RS at the shm in Sept.

My questions to RS led to: We will continue to use the Belle Peck tailings this yr. and into next yr. We are making money milling the Belle Peck tailings, while we negotiate with BLM for road construction to access some other piles.

almost 13 years ago
SHM commentary

My questions to RS at the shm produced some answers that may be worth noting.


This summer SFMI geologists surveyed and got ready for claims to BLM on 1,500 additional acres on WEM. Our geologists are trying to map and sample the veins where we find them both on and off land we now claim. The 1,500 acres of new claims will add 2.3 square miles to SFMI's present holdings of 2.2 square miles. I would expect many of the new claims to be north of the peak of WEM, where RS expects to find new cross veins. The new acreage will more than double the acreage SFMI now controls.

RS said that the Poorman and Oro Fino main fault vein systems probably extend 4 to 5 miles N-S along strike. The historical area mined along both the Poorman and Oro Fino was about 1.5 miles each. If RS is correct that the vein systems may reach 4-5 miles in length, then big discoveries of Au-Ag are in store.

RS also stated that there were bound to be more cross veins on the north side of WEM, and that there was a good chance that we would find veins that were "surface enriched" and had not been previously mined. The highest oz./t Au-Ag mined on WEM was mined within 300' of the surface. If any new vein enriched areas are found, SFMI may have bonanza grades like the miners in the 1860's-1870's. Bonanza grade is Au exceeding 1 oz./t.

RS thinks that the Cumberland vein structure is 4-5 miles long, most of which has not been mined.

Cape Horn Mine did not touch much of the Au in it's area, which is an extension of the Oro Fino vein system to the south. We own all of the Cape Horn claims and veins and are surveying them further.

almost 13 years ago
SFMI revenues in 2012

In trying to decide how much revenue SFMI can probably count on in 2012, here are some company stated "probable" facts , and some assumptions by me that I want to run by you . I do not presume that my assumptions are correct.

1. Gold goes to $2,000./oz early in 2012.

2. The mill is expanded by mid spring (May, 2012 ?) to mill 150 t/day.

3. Mill recovery of 3 g/t Au continues, even though Bouts and others are saying we are now producing more than 3 g/t.

4. Commentary by Pierre or RS that the mill will be able to up production days to 80-85% of 2012 = 292 production days.

5. The mill is now recovering approximately 85% of Au, and will continue at 85% until addition of the flotation circuit to the mill boosts silver recovery to 90-95% of the 15 g/t Ag. - most of which we are not now recovering. There is no way to tell when the flotation circuit will be installed and producing, so I use 85% of Au/t figure for mill recovery of pm.


Computation of late spring 2012 revenues from tailings:

1. 150t/d @ 3 g/t = 450 g Au/d in mill feed.

2. 85% of daily mill feed recovered by mill = 382.5 g/d.

3. 382.5 g/d div. by 31.1 g = 12.3 oz. Au/d.

4. 12.3 oz. Au/d X $2,000./oz Au = $24,600./d Au cash sales.

5. Total number of days the mill operates will go to 80%: 1 day $24,600. X 24 d/month = $590,000./month Au cash sales. 292 days (80% of yr.) = $7.085 mil. /yr. Au cash sales

6. If you want real profits, then subtract $5,000./d for mill and co. costs/d, and subtract $3,000./d for daily rents to GHDC, = $24,600. - $8,000./d costs = $16,600./d real profits.



IF the above assumptions are correct, we will be making enough off of tailings to pay perhaps half of the needed funds to drill and set up the mining. The jump in cash profits is large when we go from 3 g/t @ 60 t/d now to 150 t/d in the spring, since the additional 90 t/d (7.4 oz. Au /day) will be almost total profit ( $14,700./d ).

The commentary by Bouts and others says we are producing at a larger g/t than 3 g/t. Just in case Bouts is right, I figured what the cash sales would be if all assumptions remain the same except we go to 5 g/t Au mill feed:

At 5 g/t, $41,000. Au cash sales /d.

$984,000. Au cash sales /month.

$11.8 mil. Au cash sales /yr.

(if you want actual profits, subtract $8,000./d from above 5 g/t figures = $33,000. daily profit, $792,000. monthly profit, and $9.5 mil. yearly profit.)

almost 13 years ago
Silver revenue calculations

I think SFMI has erred by dropping a decimal place in the value of silver in ounces/ton on their estimate of revenues in "SFMI revised 2011 Updated History of Mining On War Eagle Mt.", pg. 23, dated 8/16/2011. Instead of 4.7 0z. silver/ton, it should read .483 oz. silver/ton.

They also erred in the number of grams in one ounce of silver and gold used for calculations on the pg. 23 chart. They used 31.4 grams/oz. silver when the correct number is 31.1 grams/oz. silver

If corrected figures for silver are used, then silver revenue is only one tenth what pg. 23 shows, and should be $1,981./day, not $19,639./day silver.

This changes the yearly total of revenue to $ 3,469,440./yr.

about 13 years ago
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