siegfried's Profile

siegfried's Posts

Re: Mara

It,s the reality of today,s fake news and "alternative facts" generated by the bash trolls.

Now you see what a total waste of time to read anything they have to say?

Yes,I also have trouble getting into L/11 and others.

over 7 years ago
Re: The truce

Mr.Ethics even got kicked out from the most ethically challenged chat board on this planet.This is the only site that he can use his real ID to smear Zen.How ethical is this?

over 7 years ago
Re: The truce

My questionj is:

Does he own Agoracom?

Is he the boss here?

over 7 years ago
Re: Tesla aims to sustain purity of car batteries

It,s about time for Tesla to name it,s intended source of raw material from North America.

I am  not sure about Panasonic,but Tesla likes to secure source of supply through monopoly-buy out.They do not like supply interruptions.

over 7 years ago
Re: Buffalo?

 Thanks GuntherK9.

I hope they require the best graphite and graphene in the world.Sieg.

over 7 years ago
Re: Buffalo?

Would the cat please enlighten us by more details re-Buffalo?

over 7 years ago
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