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Re: I believe REAL CHANGE with REAL NEWS is coming

WTF Bouts...... this is not bible study, or a motivational speaking class..... God and faith have nothing to do with GHDC...... Were all glad your a man of faith, but keep it to yourself......

over 8 years ago
Re: That article is from.....

I tried calling the number you gave me about 8 pm MT last night..... It was some man named Alex, do you have another number that I could call to get in touch with PQ?

over 8 years ago
Re: That article is from.....

So what ever happened? Did it get cleaned up, or did tbey have to clean it up with taxpayer money? Or are they still deciding what to do about it?

over 8 years ago
Re: Any day now

Did anybody read the article about cleaning up the old millsite at war eagle.... Sound like SFMI left a big mess and its going to cost alot of taxpayer money to clean it up..... which GHDC has some responsubility for as well I would think...... maybe not, interesting article its in the Idaho Statesman....

over 8 years ago
Bozeman, MT
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