sharedealer's Profile

sharedealer's Posts

Re: Dividend received

Even in Germany cortal consors i got the Dividend in my Account.

about 11 years ago
Re: Timeframes/Sentiment

But you invested in this Management also And Arizona
Dont change the Timeline of SC. And when we get Buyout
And cuu2 shares left with Arizona, you can sell at once.

about 11 years ago
Decision for Building a Mine

May be for Teck is already clear to Mine it, they prevend
a bidding war die CUU, because of the uncertainty.

about 11 years ago
DM's wife

I was extremly sure, we will fall back to our 50 - 60 Range. Why
DM bought so rarley for 66 - 70 ?

about 11 years ago
Re: Insiders

Yes your are right, but i hoped for some more Green, but
This is a Little Bit frustrating me.

about 11 years ago
Re: Insiders

I Hope they Buy fast before we will be back on the Level before
The NR :-(

about 11 years ago
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