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"Self-fuelling' method could reduce GHGs from oil shale

Maybe some promising news about a potential oil shale extraction method (research study at Green River Formation in Western U.S.) while we are waiting for news about our company.

The EC should read their own literature before arbitrarily raising the GHG number for oil shale. Apparently they did so because they didn't want to be seen as discriminating against one country (Canada) when raising the oil sands GHG number.

almost 13 years ago
Holding Tight

I am still hanging in there for some good news from Marc. I have to....otherwise I would have to change my name!! Best of luck digging something up for us, Rich.

over 13 years ago
Re: A note on the Oil Shale Symposium

What a fantastic thought you had, Starc150! I sure wish it was true. But alas, it was probably fanciful thinking. The 'seeds' from this meeting will probably remain exactly that....just seeds. In time, maybe these seeds will germinate into very generous white knights once the true worth comes out about our oil shale treasure. For me, I think that Goldnev has to break ground with an actual mining operation and deliver a profitable outcome before we even get a sniff of a $1 to $3 buyout offer.

almost 15 years ago

Raysin, your two sentences have somehow expanded into something big! I appreciate your elaborate clarification on them. I echo your patience for the big $5 plus payday. Yes, I well know from past experience in the 80s and 90s the ability of similar stocks to skyrocket in a relatively short period of time. I am not Shaleguy for nothing. I really believe in oil shale!

about 15 years ago

Raysin, you tell it like it IS! I think I know what you are trying to say in the latter half of your comments but maybe you could clarify the following two sentences: "So even if Marc has to dilute this thing to 200 million shares. A $2 buy out is peanuts, when you have over 4 billion barels of oil even if you will "eventually" own half of the property."

Yeah, fingers crossed for success at Pincher Creek and Turner Valley. This is absolutely crucial for us investors.

about 15 years ago
Re: Turner Valley Weekend Tidbits

Hey, I'll bite if no one else will! He might very well know that he WILL beat...big time...the best guess estimate (I am backing this all the way :). But then again, NG prices are trading at all time lows. Why sell now? Who really knows why he said this. Time will tell.

about 15 years ago
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