selocj's Profile

selocj's Posts

Re: Gone-brunski

from the news release;

"Under the terms of the amended agreement, each Freewest shareholder will
now receive CAD$0.90 per share of fixed consideration exclusively in the
form of Cliffs Natural Resources common stock. The fraction of a Cliffs
share to be issued per Freewest share is variable and will be determined
based on the volume weighted average price of Cliffs shares for the five
trading days ending on the third trading day before the effective date
of the transaction. Freewest has provided additional information on the
transaction in a press release issued today."

The $.90 is fixed


almost 15 years ago
Ignoring and unignoring another poster

How do I unignor a poster I don't even recall putting on ignore? Don't know how to put a poster on ignor.

Twice I've tried to put this on "off topic" and it has ended up on the main board, I don't know why.


about 15 years ago
More on "iums"

I tried to post this link on the main board but it was removed as a violation, this article is on china and 16 iums that are going to be needed in the "green" technology.

I think it could be relevent, what say the geos?

I am long since before Windfall but any time I post it has been reported as a violation, so I basically read, and vent usually to myself when things are removed.

This seems as though it could be more relevent that a lot of the higher posters "stuff"


about 15 years ago
Re: NOT tranfers to TFSA

It is spelled out on Revenue Canada web site and as I understand it if there is a loss you don't get to claim it as a loss unless you sold them outside of the TFSA.

The above link explains it.


about 15 years ago
Re: NOT tranfers to TFSA

That depends on if you had a capital loss or gain. If you had a gain yes, because you will have to pay capital gains tax on the deamed disposition at the time of transfer. If you had a loss it doesn't matter because you cannot claim the capital loss in this situation.

about 15 years ago
Re: Can someone post rtq of nosof throughout the day?

I called Millennium where I have a small IRA, they called Bank of New York where they place their trades, The person that Patrick spoke with said that there is a US MM, and she thought it could be traded today, however NOSOF.OTO has not traded today.

When I purchased Noront for my account they bought the NOT.V.

I had been of the impression that NOSOF.OTO would not trade if our exchange was closed.


about 15 years ago
outside Edmonton
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