sellhi's Profile

sellhi's Posts

Re: Annual Meeting wish I could go

Hey I realise that the markets and the price of oil is on a downward trend but CLL has dropped 44% in the last month compared to the 11% the tsx weighted oil and gas composite has declined.

The company is structured with a temporary management tasked with only one option... sell and when that avenue is not going anywhere the investors head for the door.

The board should know by now if a sale at a fair price is attainable and if not lets move forward with structuring this company into a company moving forward to profitablity or maybe the board doesn't believe that is possible.

Hey I have an option for the board, hire a CEO, reduce costs, quit wasting money, find efficiencies and get production up to design... when times get tough I guess it's much easier to sell.

There must be a CEO out there that can fix this company without expansion and adding more debt, when I can't pay my bills I reduce my costs and invest my income wisely and every penny counts or as with CLL every $1000 counts

over 12 years ago
Annual Meeting wish I could go

What the hell are we getting for our money, 2 co-managing directors at 55,000 ea per month and a fired exec paid 1.5 mil severence then hired back on contract as an interm CEO at 40,000 per month with a payout in Aug if he can get the share price over a dollar.

Hiring consultants to justify increasing directors retainers was a good idea because they have done such a great job bringing this company to its knees.

Yeah I know it's not large amounts of money but I would have been fired if I did my job as badly as they are doing theirs.

Stock price plummeting, no communication from whoever the hell is in charge, this certainly seems like one FU'd up company.

The question is can they put lipstick on this pig and sell anywhere close to asset value.

over 12 years ago
Re: Is Anyone Here?

No... and turn off the lights when you leave.

New management sucks, lack of progress and no communication is making wish DG was back.

"The Company achieved solid performance and financial results in the quarter ("Q1 2012")"

Didn't look solid to me, numbers were worse than what I was expecting.

over 12 years ago
good call dread dogs

Back on Jan 18 dread dogs posted

i have heard that they may" have hired back one of the three guys that Dick Gusella canned before he was let go.."

What else have you heard or was that a guess?

Jurek on target as well with West Face inserting Greg Boland onto the board

I don't think this was a good development for those of us who expect a good return on our investment.

West Face will do whatever they have to, in their own self interest and don't give a rats ass about any other stakeholders. They seem to have some support from other institutional holders.

Looks like a firesale coming up, hang onto your hats.


over 12 years ago
Re: Interesting

After a short review of Sunshine, I would have to agree, huge land package and many years away from anything substantive.

I guess there is no appetite for an early stage spec play in North American markets hence the IPO in Hong Kong.

You have to give Connacher credit for how far they have advanced their business plan, a few missed steps along the way but I think they are moving forward.

I suspect oil prices in the short term will hold on Middle East tensions and I don't think a downturn in the European economies will blunt the world wide demand for oil.

I'll wait at least until the GLJ report comes out before re-evaluating and making a decision concerning my current CLL holdings.


over 12 years ago
Re: Interesting

Why in the world would I pump an IPO being listed in Hong Kong?

I am trying to establish the value of Connacher in relation to a company that is being sold overseas. I found the story of an oilsands company bypassing the North American investors compelling.

It wasn't my first post, but it may be my last.


over 12 years ago
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