seaotta's Profile

seaotta's Posts

I've been around a long, long year...

Wow. What a ride we’re having! Not all that pleasant though… At least, not yet.

I’ve been heavily invested in PTSC since about 2006 and I have never sold a single share. As of this writing, I am underwater with my investment… Glug, glug, glug…

Despite my unpleasant history with this stock, I have recently INCREASED my holdings, once again. Call me a glutton for punishment, but I have confidence in the value of the MMP, especially the ‘336, and I am encouraged because I believe that Chuck Moore, as a brilliant inventor, has interests that now seem aligned with our own. Not only am I glad for him, I am glad for us. Our alliance with Mr. Moore should play well with any juries we must go before in the future. And the obviousness of that fact should play well in license negotiations.

I have mostly been a lurker on this board, but because I now own more than a million shares, I believe I am fully entitled to join the fray. Not my inclination to do so on any regular basis, though, because I doubt I can contribute much of value. There is a lot of ‘noise’ on this board, and I have no desire to engage in vitriolic discourse with anyone, especially with anyone who is obviously trying to move the SP artificially.

Nonetheless, I am extremely appreciative of everyone who rises above the noise here: those who post pertinent facts and those who post thoughtful analysis, especially when verifiable links are provided. Ladies and gentlemen of that ilk (BaNosser, Ronran, and many others) I thank you! Please keep up the good work!

I believe PTSC to be a risky, but good, investment, and I plan to hold onto my shares so long as I have hope that the BOD will eventually grant proper dividends as a just return to the company’s shareholders. Once they do that, an appropriate rise in SP will follow. I expect those dividends to begin soon, very soon. In fact I believe dividends should be declared immediately upon successful future licensing.

If events turn, and it becomes clear to me that insiders will continue to benefit in greater degree than common shareholders, I will bail. Big time. And I'm afraid I will be joined by many, many others (whether they voice their opinions here or like me, generally remain silent). I sincerely hope that PTSC's advisors will begin to recommend, and it's BOD will begin to provide, a proper return to this company’s OWNERS (hear that Jim O?)!

If Patriot’s BOD have a REAL PLAN to increase the SP, I am willing to be patient and remain somewhat in the dark, provided that the PLAN requires such stealth.

If, on the other hand, the BOD does NOT have a well-thought PLAN that requires secrecy even from its shareholders, then I believe we would be proper in demanding that the company’s transparency be increased with more frequent and substantial disclosures and PR’s. In our present circumstance, you would think that our best interests might best be served by SHOUTING our victory from the rooftops! If that's not the case, then at least explain why. given these alternatives, why then, do we only have silence from the company? Are we paying them too little to look out for our interests??

If we, as shareholders, do not soon see the transparency that lets us know the BOD’s PLAN, and if later it is revealed that there has never been such a PLAN, then I expect that shareholders (I among them?) WILL RISE UP with a wrath that hell has not seen!

Patience is only so thick…


SeaOtta, JD, MBA

almost 11 years ago
Thanks to all posters. From a lurker.

I haven't posted since I lived in Indonesia in 2008 - but have stayed reasonably informed about my investment in PTSC primarily by lurking on this board. I am grateful to all active posters, especially those who have posted current information from the courts and from PACER filings.

I believe that we'll get a verdict of infringement - today - as well as a meaningful calculation of a reasonable royalty. I don't see how a thoughtful jury could find otherwise... I'm also optimistic about getting a willfulness decision in our favor.

I haven't seen much discussion about the inducement claim. Any thoughts?

Good luck to all Longs!

almost 11 years ago
Re: Happy Birthday.......SGE1 eom

Happy Birthday from Jakarta, Indonesia, SGE1 !!

The whole world's got you covered!

I'll be setting my clock for 3:10 a.m. my time to check the Q release with you ! 

Hope your BD is Grrreat!


over 16 years ago
Re: Insider Trading Restrictions

Suppose that a company knew it had a half billion in revenue coming in over the next 6 months and kept it secret.

And that the officers of the company were sitting on tons of nice cheap stock options.

And you, as a shareholder, knowing all the public information available, decide to sell your shares to the company in an "announced buyback".

And, the day after you sell, the company goes public with the info they have been sitting on and the stock goes through the roof and the officers all exercise their options. Would you feel that you had been treated fairly?

There can be no insider trading before material info is made public.

over 16 years ago
Insider Trading Restrictions

Actually, officers and directors and advisors will all remain subject to the insider trading restriction if they possess any material information that is not publicly disclosed.

Even if the reason they can't disclose information is because of contractual obligations to licensees - insiders can't trade until that information becomes public.

And if they have non-public information, I don't think they can purchase for the company in a buyback program, either. Even if there is an announced buyback program. How could they? That would be taking unfair advantage of the seller who isn't privy to the info.

So - they either give us full disclosure -or- we relax and know that they're accumulating cash for some other purpose (M&A?).

over 16 years ago
Looking Past the Short Term

We are at a major milestone for this company.  The results of this quarter’s earnings on April 9 will be pivotal for its long term prospects.  I’m not worried about the short term.  I’m neither trader nor flipper.  I’m not even worried about what Mr. Swartz does.  In the long run, I imagine he wants to make money – to watch his investment increase in value.  He can either sell stock to try to keep the price low (who really thinks he’s doing that, and why?) and help someone else get richer, or he can hold on to his stock and ride it high!  I don't care.

I’ve read most of the patents, the pleadings for the settled litigation, all the press releases and financials, and researched both inventors: Fish and Moore.  I’d like to meet them both.  The story behind the ‘336 patent and how it has been suppressed will become legend.  This board has been a tremendous help as well.  I continue to do my diligence and I’m in for the long haul.   

I believe we are all in this deal on the cheap, because I think the earnings announced on April 9 will be good, and in my opinion, the stock will take off dramatically.  For the most recent quarter, we’ll be reporting the settlement of major patent litigation and 19 new licenses (only 25 have been announced overall in earlier quarters, so to me that sounds like we probably had a favorable settlement of the litigation).  And with this validation of the patent the future will see even more licenses, with higher royalties.  And we will see royalty revenues put to good, profitable use.  So the news will be good, IMHO. Period.   

Someone said it here a couple of days ago and I’ll repeat the sentiment:  I’m holding on to my PTSC shares until they pry them from my cold dead hands.

Although I haven’t bet the farm, I’m in heavy – dollar averaged my way in since early in 2006.  And I’m in for the long haul  - not just because of the April 9 earnings (although I’m expecting that announcement to be a nice wake up call to the investment community, and perhaps the kick-off to a lasting big board presence), but because I want to see how the story turns out.  Just how will our company spend all our licensing revenue?? 

I’m glad that our new management has the experience and wherewithal to properly decide questions like “how many shares do we buy back this week?” and “which profitable company do we buy now?”  Wow, with problems like these, I don’t know how RG and friends can bear to face each day…. 


over 16 years ago
Elko, NV
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