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How to raise the PPS...

If this was implemented at Patriot, would there be enough shares in the float to do this..?


Apple (AAPL) Forces Executives to Own Stock; Cook Must Hold 10x His Salary

Despite earlier opposition, Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) has implemented a change to its corporate governance policy that could ruffle a few feathers in Cupertino, California.

Apple is now requiring executive officers to hold 3x their annual base salary in stock. The CEO is required to hold 10x his annual base salary in stock and Non-Employee Directors are required to hold 5x their annual retainer.

In the past, Apple was criticized for failing to implement executive share ownership guidelines.

Of note, Apple stock has declined by approximately 37 percent since reaching an all time highs at $705 per share in September 2012, so any little change could help.

over 11 years ago
Re: When will the fat lady sing?

Dude - if it isn't obvious by now...

There will be no fat lady singing at any stage.

Neither the courts, the defendants or our licencing team have any interest in seeing a conclusion to this. No-one benefits from a final resolution except Joe-Shmoe Stockholder, i.e. no-one that actually matters.

There are too many lawyers making too much money to want this to stop. There will be appeal after reexamination after claim reconstruction after juristictional precidence after injunction after sopoena - this is what lawyers do - this is how they make their money. They will not stop because they don't have to, and they don't want to.

The patents themselves will expire eventually, and/or the plaintiffs (us) will run out of money. Once this happens and the carcass has been picked clean, there will be much sadness and recrimination at the wonderful opportunity lost. Oh well, never mind, carry on...

In the meantime, everyone involved can get busy planning their long and happy retirements - all except Joe Shmoe, who is currently too busy paying for it.

about 12 years ago
Re: Back into wait mode again.....

Boston - all of the disputed claims were ruled on, with the exception of claim 1 of the '336.

The observation that todays trading resulted in a share price rise of 2 one-thousandths of a cent, on volume representing 2 ten-thousandths of the OS might indicate the relative importance of the one outstanding versus the other construed claims.

IMO, the majority of the value of the MMP is in the '336 claims. This 'glitch' is particulary worrying, as no-one seems to know what happens next. There are certainly no time-frames stipulated past 29th June, and for all we know, it could take another 5 months to get an opinion on this. In regard to the '336, we are little further forward today than we were in January. Except the BOD, who are forward another half-million or so.

The only thing that is sure about this litigation is that lawyers will make money. My fear is simple - If everyone on the ride is making money, why should they stop the ride..?

over 12 years ago
June 29th question

Sorry if this has already been answered, but could someone knowledgeable please give an opinion on what will actually happen on June 29th, how long the hearing is expected to last, and how long before a ruling is issued.

Also, please feel free to comment on the possibilities of this opinion being appealed by either side should it not be favourable.

over 12 years ago

'what does your investment in PTSC say about you as an investor?"

In truth, an interesting question that I would hope that everyone asks themselves on a regular basis.

A good description I read recently : "Investing is forgoing consumption now in order to have the ability to consume more at a later date." (Buffett, I think)

Since you ask, I'm fairly confident that this will happen with my current foregone consumption, and have a firm idea of how much future consumption I expect in return. I'm also fairly confident about the time-frame involved (judicial foibles notwithstanding) and have weighed the size of my investment against the risk of a negative return.

For me, that has got nothing to do with the (piss-poor) long-term prospects this company has with current board. Win or lose, I'll be long gone by the time this lot have, very predicably, turned whatever nuggets of potential gold the litigation provides into another pigs breakfast. It is beyond me why anyone would trust these people to 'invest' their money for them - it's not like they have ever been any good at it. It is not like that they have been very good at anything else either, with the possible exception of anaethesiology or forensic accounting.

If the chance comes, I'll take my future consumption and run. Waiting and hoping to see things like earnings and growth here is way too much like drawing to inside straights or buying lottery tickets for my tastes.

t's and o's

over 12 years ago
Re: Crossflo ends the long ....chapter of M&A&I failures by PTSC

lipstick - meet pig.

If you ever find yourself lacking employment, you could do worse than working for the airlines providing the excuses for flight delays.

That the members of the current board are not (or have ever been) fit for purpose is beyond debate. Whether incompetence, stupidity or a willful failure to discharge fiduciary responsibility is the cause of their abject failure is still up for discussion, but probably meaningless at this point.

Markman, settlements, licences & dividends and $100M have already come and gone, but the same people who have singularly failed to perform any demonstrable function remain encumbent.

People will trade and flip the stock until it finally dies, but no-one seriously invests in a company with such hopeless management . The lack of ability always comes home to roost in the in the end. It is that simple.

t's & o's

over 12 years ago
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