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seahawks1's Posts

Re: What is the tribunal up to?

No kidding....why does this take so long?. The Ven gov't publicizes the fact it expropriated these gold properties/assets...there should be nothing to decide other than the amount of compensation. What do these judges..go back and forth between cases and not look at this one for weeks at a time?...this is crazy...for GRZ not to hear anything yet...and they are many months ahead of us. How many cases do they have to hear about Ven exproriating assets before they can fast track these cases...and just decide on monetary compensation......

over 10 years ago
So what now ? our key date we waited years for has come and gone without a whimper...does any of this court stuff get posted anywhere or the minutes of what went on get released anywhere?...anybody?...How come the peeps that claim they speak to RM etc...can't find out any details of such a significant event?.

Did the court just listen verbally to both sides..and now goes away for another year and a half to come out with a decision...? long can this take..before we hear something..understanding this IS kry we are talking about...we are still a company aren't we..can't they do a PR....!!..yah

almost 11 years ago
November hearing

So can anyone help here...some here seem to be getting excited about the upcoming November 13th GRZ is way ahead of us in their timeline for filing...when did they have their similar court date?. Obviously no news was published from that beyond gettting a day closer to the end of this there anything really to get excited about or should we be expecting any news at all out of this?.

about 11 years ago

If GRZ is over a year ahead of us as to when they orginally filed their ARB case...and haven't heard a decision/award as of yet...should we really be expecting any news in our November hearing?...or are we still looking over a year plus before we can expect any possible positive news?. TIA.

about 11 years ago

I am all for saving money....and great..the shares aren't dead..and we are taking this road to save money....but we need this puppy trading!! now what.... Big IF's but IF GRZ gets a favourable decision....we can do nothing....get no bounce....GRZ gets an award.....same thing we sit and wait....WE get to Nov....have our hearing....(god knows how long it takes until we actually get a ruling from there??)....WE get a favourable decision.....we can do nothing...IF we win....we have to wait how long from then until we hear what the amount is. We get a LARGE award....we can do nothing....NOW we have to wait for Venny to pay up....How many YEARS may that take before assets are seized etc etc and $$ actually gets distributed to Crystallex ????....I and many long time shareholders will be dead by then, I am sure 99% of us can't wait until any award money is distributed to the commons...!!......GET this puppy registered and trading SOMEWHERE.......PLEASE.....

over 11 years ago

So are we in fact only trading on the Grey's now?. When I check the Yahoo Finance site to get a price quote..I can't tell....and the Agorocom site says PINK as to the exchange we trade on. I assume as a company now....we don't have to issue anything to our shareholders or conform to anything about material events anymore???....god forbid.

over 11 years ago
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