schmid's Profile

Cable Tech. Hobby that pays. Gifted Amateur Someone please get me out of this mailroom. Seriously, this room is far too full, isn't their some health and wellness code to protect us from these conditions.

schmid's Posts

Re: Added to S&P venture 30 index

IMO, S&P decision a badly needed vote of confidence for a stock that has sufferred from it's own potential.

I was one of the idiots who started buying in @ $2.50. I didn't realize @ 45 million shares purchased for 10 cents were about to become free-trading on May 13 and early June.

040 is finally selling (in theory) and the Apple App. is very important with the dominance they are getting in the smart phone market.

IMO, the soon to be released financials will not show enough revenue to make people see the potential of this company. All the better for me, as I plan to accumulate as much of INT as my salary is capable of. If they sold all 10 million copies of 040 the proceeds would be greater than the current market cap of the company, that is the POTENTIAL of INT.

IMO it's only a question of time before we see a $5 share price. How much higher a SP, I can only dream, retirement dreams. IMO, the "Seeking Alpha Shorting Thugs" will attack again. I keep extremely high Asks on all my shares, to make them unavailable for shorting.

I have not lost a dime on INT, I still hold all my shares and will acquire more. I may not return here as one spammer makes it as annoying as stockhouse, but you can't put him on ignore.

Good luck to all the INT longs, Schmid

about 13 years ago

I personally would not believe anything posted on stockhouse without confirming it from a reliable source.

If you have lots of time read the 10's of pages stockhouse bullboard contains for V.SLI (St. Elias Mining) this week. It's a GONG show of abuse lies and threats, ahh the price of freedom.

Playing Medero Resources right now hope I don't miss the launch of Fire River.

My opinion once FAU announces mine is back in production the stock price will finally react.

I find the market blind to this very near term producer, heck it just about hit a 52 week low in the middle of being promoted here, BTV and other places

Another great factor, I think missed, is they still have about 79 drill holes results to announce. (Go figure?)

P.S. I am not above begging for votes, as I am going quite loco in this mailroom.

over 14 years ago
Charay Pilot mining announced - Pilot mining program announced in some detail, feel slightly deceived again, as now involves dewatering and some more permits, but if you read near to end it does say first 35,000 tons at surface.

They also describe very high grades of Au and Ag, think and hope it was worth the wait.

Now willing to name names, Mining Marketwatch.CA first interested me in this company, they have been promoting it for several months and their estimate was these first 35,000 tons will only cost $100.00 an ounce(gold) to PRODUCE.

I like those numbers in a profit margin perspective.

P.S. EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 14 years ago
Name Change

Welcome, thinking of changing my handle to the psychic investor.

I am currently investing in some of the companies PNP is buying into.

On to this because, I believe it was Sedex Mining doubled in value just weeks after PNP bought.

Pinetree seem to be finding undervalued stocks with 5 cent placements with 10 cent warrants.

My greatest hope is Stans Energy symbol RUU, rare earth element mine bought cheap, cheap, probably due to political risk (read corruption, ha, ha.)

Having some fun again, hope this finds you healthy, wealthy and well.

P.S. Excellent$$$$$$

over 14 years ago
Welcome Back or Welcome Newbies

My latest system involves trying to follow what Pine Tree Capital (PNP) are buying.

They appear to be made of money of late and are aquiring semi to significant positions in a slew of companies with some interesting stories( In my humble opinion.)

I bought Pacific Comox at .025 after noticing Pine Tree bought just recently at 5 cents.

Finally today this news was sparingly distributed.

Pacific Comox's recent annoucement , of what I consider to be, excellent grades of Moly,

I think, was made at a bad time ie. During the Olympics of a crazy volaitile week.

Wish they had better PR department and would upgrade their website in a more timely manner.

(What follows is blatant stock manipulation and possibly the best tip you'll get for a while.)

If your interested and want another Pine Tree Cap. Pick , check out Stans Energy symbol RUU, they recently aquired a former producing Rare Earth Element Mine and optioned a production facility for a year.

over 14 years ago
Re: Sales Agreement

This company had agreement to sell all the , I believe it was, silver spruce seedlings they could possibly produce with their limited nursery space.

I'm out, but if you have time and money, try CNW news, at bottom of any news story click on all press releases and get lots to read.

Don't know when but think this company will show major profit.

Read carefully, as most prices quoted in chinese currency.

Also suggest you search TSX also known as TMX go to financials, you might notice about Sept 09 profits started and have increased ever since.

Market Dumb, Schmid not patient enough.

over 14 years ago
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