samspade's Profile

samspade's Posts

Re: EZ Street

Teutracker coulden't have said it better.

Count me in.


almost 14 years ago
Can they not afford a bookeeper

No reason to have late filings on SEDAR.

A symptom of very poor management,

almost 14 years ago
Waiting for that special KRY release.

They say time is of the essence. Lets all look for a positive result.

While waiting I have ran accross another exciting find.

Well worth researching this junior that has only recently been on the Agoragram board.

A Lithium/ Silver Junior with great land positions.

First Gold. Symbol EFG a Canadian Junior in excellent mining friendly countries.

Hard to find while we wait a junior with this futue potential.

Best wishes to all.


almost 14 years ago
Hard to find a junior with exciting future potential.

Congratulations "moneytospend" on your appointment by Agoragram.

A new shareholder and my first post to this board.

A Junior Mining Company with this type of future potential in indeed a pleasure that many look for and never find.

First Gold is Developing A Huge Lithium Property (171 sqare miles) in James Bay Quebec Canada. Looks to be sitting smack dab in the middle of Lithium Ones property that is presently under development. Drills have come up with 1.13% Lithium to date along with outstanding percentages for 5 other rare earth metals. GE just announced the purchase of 25000 GM Volt's. Electric cars are the future of the Automotive Industy world wide. Talk about being in on the ground floor.

Add in First Gold's San Javier year around Mexican Silver property with 30 Veins discovered to date averaging 135 Ounces of Silver per Ton from four sets of samples plus (Not Included) Gold, Copper, Lead. Zinc and Iron Ore and an exciting future looks to be directly ahead for this junior mining company.

They appear to have sold off their proven Gold property located in Val-d' Or, Quebec in order to use this capital for further advance their Flagship Lithium property and Mexican Silver propery while still maintaining an equity interest in this excellent Gold Project.

Exciting to say the least with great properties in both hemispheres. Glad to be on board.

Best Wishes for a wonderful journey.


almost 14 years ago
Re: is it just me?

What a crooked mind this Chevez has.

Those poor Venezualan's are really being taken advantage of.

When they wake up to Chavez's devious and criminal mind there will be riots in the streets.

Lets hope its soon as This Gold that KRY developed through their engineering would help the masses in one big way. But not until it is mined. If the price keeps going up even with an expected % breakdown this crook will even screw the Chinese.



almost 14 years ago
Re: Jim Cramer

Hi Civi

A new J/V NAME for our KRY getting Crystallex's name out of the picture could be very beneficial in the long run. Then they will highlite China @ or Russia as Venezuala's new partner. Mind you I don't believe Chavez will allow the new partner to have any more then 49%. They are very drfinitely nationalizing everything in sight. It's in BLACK AND WHITE.

If this happens at least we will still be on board and shoild be okay.

If not, a buy out could be forth coming as either China or Russia will not be encouraged to split their 49%.



almost 14 years ago
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