sallycat's Profile

sallycat's Posts

Re: Calvalry to the Rescue

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the answers to those questions.

almost 15 years ago
potential ? Nil

How many really think this "company" will actually amount to anything?
If I had known now about investing, as compared to the lesser amount I knew back when I first bought into WWF, I would have NEVER invested in WWF. I am however:thankful, to this experience as I now investigate into past history and success' of company's leaders when I invest. And and happy to say have had some nice success's. Sometimes, misfortunes have a way of educating us.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Winfields immediate future

There are too many contradictions for some of us to trust MF and his business practice. One week things are on schedule, next week money is zilch, auditors are behind, etc. Are things even being audited at all right now? What will be the story next week? This is part of the frustration.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Gaddafi to make stopover in Newfoundland!

"Winfield is in the process of completing..." in other words "stalled" more then likely.

"our immediate future looks brilliant" again, leaving the few believing investors dangling by the carrot, even if it is many more months.

A bunch of fluff.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Yes..

I don't want to burst your bubble as I can tell how proud you guys are of the MC site; however, there is nothing new there that isn't already pumped on AG sites (by you guys). Good effort though.

about 15 years ago
Re: Yes..

Personally, I see that date Oct. 01, 2009 as a stall tactic; in other words "fluff".

about 15 years ago
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