s402005's Profile

s402005's Posts

Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year to all my PTSC fellows!

Even being a ex PTSC shareholder, I wish you all the best.

I am happy that I sold my shares a couple of weeks ago and that I am now dealing with new shares. Being 10 years with that company was enough.

Best wishes to all and especially to Ron!


over 8 years ago
Took my huge loss 2 weeks ago and sold after being 10 years with PTSC!

Never ever thought to end up this way even we all knew, it is a very risky investment.

I made many mistakes over the years and I've learnt some essential things: Never ever fell in love with a stock!!!!!!

Ron often mentioned that an he was more than right.

Best wishes to all and good luck for your next investment!


almost 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer - can we reply to this?...cedar First, I need new investment idea

Soory tor the typos......I am such angry and upset concerning PTSC.


almost 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer - can we reply to this?...cedar First, I need new investment idea

IMO, PTSC is done and maybe in 4 weeks history.

Never thought to end up like this. Never fell in love which a stock!!!!


almost 9 years ago
What's next?

Coudn't get through the Sec paperwork and just read the postings. More or less, I don't know where we are and if the game is over.

Said story.........


about 9 years ago
Re: Calendar for: Judge Vince Chhabria

Thanks for shareing...

We still don't know much concerning the Kessler doctrin?



about 9 years ago
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