rthargravejr's Profile

rthargravejr's Posts

Re: Stocks with call strike movement; MNKD TSLA

Could be:

1. ATM
2. Large Institutional Selling

The price rising to me points to either individual investors, or blocks not hitting this analysts algorithm.

Just getting nervous with such a large binary event upcoming, years of agonizing wait, and a large portion of my portfolio at stake. I'm trying to gather as much data as possible!

about 11 years ago
Re: Stocks with call strike movement; MNKD TSLA

WOW, almost 9-1 sell-to-buy from large blocks, aka institutions, yet 5:1 call-to-put buying?

I am certainly a little taken aback from the large blocks exiting, but encouraged by the call buying.

What does it all mean?

Just getting a tad nervous so close to results release!

about 11 years ago
Re: Completion of Affinity 1 - Patients Enrolled Listed as 518, Required 471

Understood, so the assumption at this point is that:

1. 518 Patients were enrolled for Affinity 1

2. 399 Patients were to have successfullly completed the trial for statistical significance

3. A dropout rate of 22.97% is the max percentage, across all arms, to still maintain statistical significance:

(518-399) / 518 = 199 / 518 = 22.97%

I was unable to find dropout rates from previous trials, can anyone point me in the right direction to get more data on dropout rates, and where the overall 22.97% figure fits in, in regards to past results?



over 11 years ago
Completion of Affinity 1 - Patients Enrolled Listed as 518, Required 471

Per the press release, all Affinity 1 patients have completed their follow up visits. The number of patients was listed as 518, divided across the three arms.


The number of patients listed to be enrolled via clinicaltrials.gov, is 417:


My question is:

Did 518 patients successfully complete the trials across the three arms, or was 518 the beginning total enrollment, prior to drop out.

Resaon for my concern:

During the last quarterly conference call, the CSO, forget his name, stated that drop out was higher than expected, but it was ok,because they over enrolled.

If 518 was the starting point, that would mean only 9.2% of overall patients could have dropped out which is not good.

If 518 was the total who completed, then we have nothing to worry about :-)

Any thoughts as to whether 518 was the number completed, or intially enrolled?

over 11 years ago
Re: An Article that IS Worth Reading

That appears to have been a mistake - cartridges are used, I believe either:

10 IU

20 IU

30 IU

Demonstration Video:


over 11 years ago
Re: The Run-Up Trade: Biodel's Insulin Trial Results

It all makes sense now why BioRunup, and Adam Feuerstein are buddy-buddy on twitter, and share the hate for Mannkind - they are BIOD homers!

This all makes sense now, though still is infuriating for the vitriol coming from Adam F, Jim Cramer, BioRunup, and TheStreet.

over 11 years ago
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