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Former Oilers owner Peter Pocklington is off to jail.

I don't know if this is really on topic or not, and probably don't mean a thing, but I didn't know Peter Pocklington was in the gold mining business, so I got to reading this article in the Edmonton Sun this morning, and the second last paragraph really grabbed my attention. "The ACC said there was no evidence to support the amount of gold the company was claiming could be recovered from its mining operations."

I was told SLI was tripping on gold nuggets, where'ss the evidence?

Former Oilers owner Peter Pocklington is off to jail.

A U.S. judge on Friday sentenced Pocklington to six months in jail and six months house arrest, a Department of Justice spokesman confirmed.

The man best known for trading Wayne Gretzky to the Los Angeles Kings in 1988 was found guilty in a Riverside, Calif., courtroom Monday for breaching his probation on a previous bankruptcy fraud conviction.

Pocklington, 71, pleaded guilty to perjury in 2010 when a California court found he had lied about knowledge of two bank accounts while declaring bankruptcy.

He was arrested a year prior in his Palm Springs home after an FBI search of the residence and two of his storage units.

The plea, which included Pocklington handing over two of his five Stanley Cup rings, artwork and paying the U.S. taxes he owed, helped him avoid a possible sentence of 10 years in prison for bankruptcy fraud. But he did get hit with six months of house arrest and two years of probation.

Part of his probation order included making financial reports to his probation officer.

But according to U.S. Justice spokesman Thomas Mrozek, he failed to properly account for $15,000 he says he was given for consulting he provided to several companies involved in gold mine promoting in Arizona.

The five-hour long hearing held Monday ended with a judge finding him guilty of violating his probation, a verdict that could have meant five years in prison.

On Friday morning, Mrozek confirmed that Pocklington would be serving six months in jail beginning Dec. 9 and a further six months of house arrest after that.

The man at the helm of the Oilers during their young dynasty years has gone through a series of financial troubles since he lost the team in 1998.

Following his perjury trial in 2010, Pocklington was at the centre of an investigation done by the Arizona Corporate Commission (ACC) into a mining company he was a controller of.

The year-long investigation accused him and his vice-president of Liberty Bell Resources of securities fraud and registration violations while raising capital to finance the company's operations in southwest Arizona.

The ACC said there was no evidence to support the amount of gold the company was claiming could be recovered from its mining operations.

Pocklington denied the allegations but Liberty Bell was ordered to pay a $5.1 million settlement to the State of Arizona, ending the investigation in May 2013

almost 11 years ago
Re: COB updates must be filed every 30 days

Nice find Molson!! Pretty hard to dispute the facts when it is right there in black and white. Good work.

about 11 years ago
Re: Why should I give a dime to the “Green Team”?

Look, I am 100% "Green" and I really want to donate, but at the same time, I see all this ask ask ask for donations to help with legal fee's etc. And I am all for that, I understand you have already recieved alot of funds, but what happens if you don't reach the goal to pay for the legal stuff? What is the goal amount and how close are we to reaching that goal? What if we never reach that goal, what happens to all the donated money? If I knew we had a goal to reach, and if we were ever going to get there and this money was actually going to get used for the intended purposes, I would definatly help out what I could. sorry if I sound sceptikal, but I have already been scammed by SLI and once bitten, twice shy.


over 11 years ago
Re: AGM attendees where are you?

Interesting how the attendees of the agm spend one day with Lori in a closed room, and already they learned how not to communicate with the shareholders. I am beginning to think Lori put the fear of god into them about online posting. Or maybe they got arrested for online posting by one of Loris thugs. Afterall she was seeking online posters.

over 11 years ago
Re: How?

How could what being said at a public shareholders meeting be considered insider information?

over 11 years ago
Trade day

Is tomorow a trading day or is the tsx closed?

over 11 years ago
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