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rogue's Posts

Re: share price thoughts

I own another stock that like POET recently went through a public offering. Also like POET, Rodman and Renshaw were the placement agents. It was whacked for >70% loss. Today interestingly enough that stock was up almost 40% much like POET this week. Perhaps they succeeeded in attracting some large investors to these securities? Just a thought.


over 7 years ago
Re: Message from IR

I understand your anger. I would love to be swimming in cash now too, really. And I also agree with your complaints about NR wordings. But that was not what I wrote about.

If you review the THM slides it covers a plan they laid out from May 2016 to end of 2018. Please look at slide 19. My post from the THM time period May 2016 and was titled "The next two years" so I guess I was thinking that way back then.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Message from IR

May 2016 + 12 months = May 2017.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Message from IR

I agree and want to remind everone of the last line of the THM slide deck "Expect EBITDA positive in 2nd half of 2018". I think todays presentation is in line with that.


almost 8 years ago
Re: The milestone update - JTP


I don't have a breathing exercise, but perhaps try cupping. Seems to work for Michael Phelps


about 8 years ago
Re: What is next?

How is migrating POET process to other substrates (SV mentioned GaN as well) a bad thing?

Where did he mention abandoning the technology? I missed that.


over 8 years ago
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