rocketman2's Profile

rocketman2's Posts

Re: Promotive Again? Perhaps A Deal Coming?

You're "spot on" with your comments....we certainly saw the profit taking happen today...and the way you have to play take to just sell a few thousand each day for one week after the annoucement....when you see such a huge cumulative raise from yesterday until noon today.


This is my perception of those with six figure holdings that will still hang on for the long term but want to "ease the long term pain" that we've all felt for the last months, years, decade!

Solution: We need at least two or three great NR's by April to keep what we have and make it grow...all IMHO...would certainly be nice to start with the FDA approval as we have gone thru all the hoops as of Dec 31, it's time for them to grant us this wish.

over 7 years ago
Re: Time to revisit??

The reason for the second licensing would be nice to have the extra cash like we got from HL....(news releases are nice as are upgraded share prices but they don't bring in any immediate money to the balance sheet.)

over 7 years ago
Time to revisit??

Maybe it's now time to "revist" that previous "soon" second licensing agreement (with maybe an upgrade in the price they formerly agreed upon, whatever that was?).


Nice move again on the "pinks" and the TSX has had some great opening volumn this morning! Cheers...we deserve all this, right?

over 7 years ago
Re: RVX presentation is set to go at 5:00 Est… link>

You beat me to it...ditto.....nada...(especially on the FDA) also "soon" is a word that has turned into later, (much later) Humbug!

over 7 years ago
J.P.Morgan on Jan 9

SF....can you squeeze in some time at 2:00PM your time and listen in....maybe even get some chat time with DM? the high level bio conference? Thx.

over 7 years ago
Re: Huge drop today on the "pinks" (not really)

Tweve cents a share on Etrade...(and for the ''senior holders" with three digit holdings" it's a temporary downer....)

over 7 years ago
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